Supreme Court Future At Stake In Presidential Election Of 2024!

Never has the future of constitutional law ever been more in danger than it is now in 2024, with a right wing extremist Supreme Court majority in process of reversing many of the constitutional advances promoted by the Warren Court and its successors.

President Joe Biden has brought to our attention the reality that it is highly likely that there will be at least TWO Supreme Court appointments in the next Presidential term.

This blogger and author believes, however, that it could, potentially, be up to FOUR appointments, not just two!

Four members of the present Court, based on age and Court longevity, may be leaving the Court by 2028!

Right wing extremists Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are seen as likely to retire after being on the Court for 33 and 18 years and being in their mid 70s.

Sonia Sotomayor has health issues, and is reaching 70, after 15 years on the Court, and may leave.

And Chief Justice John Roberts, on the Court for 19 years, will reach 70 early in 2025.

So the whole future of the Supreme Court is at stake in a massive way!

2 comments on “Supreme Court Future At Stake In Presidential Election Of 2024!

  1. Wayne Johnson June 19, 2024 7:39 pm

    On our Blogtalk Radio Show I stressed the warning all should vote for Hillary Clinton because it was the bigger picture of the Supreme Court was in play!!

    Trump got elected and today the Supreme Court is more corrupt than anytime in history I’m guessing.

    Unfortunately I don’t have much faith in the demographics voting population.

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