Minnesota GOP Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has a well deserved reputation for being loony and off the wall in her statements and actions, but now she has bested herself.
She now claims that she will refuse to fill out the 2010 Census Bureau forms that are required for all citizens to complete on April 1, 2010. Federal law makes it clear that every ten years, all Americans must fill out the information forms, but Michele has said she will just fill out the part that covers how many people live in her home, but not the rest. In so stating this intention, she is, of course, promoting the idea that American citizens can refuse to meet the responsibilities that all of us have to help the government plan for programs and funding for the next decade, one of the key purposes of the Census, which has been conducted every ten years since 1790.
Michele seems to fear that the US government under President Obama has intentions of utilizing information gathered in the Census of 2010 to undermine the Republican party and promote the Democratic party. She sees a conspiracy underway, something that makes one wonder about her sanity. The question that is emerging is whether or not she is fit to serve in the Congress of the United States, and certainly, the Democrats in Minnesota are going to work very hard to defeat her in the midterm congressional elections of 2010.