South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford already has a bad image after declaring that his state, one of the highest in unemployment during this recession, and certainly one of the poorest states in the Union in general, would not accept stimulus money. In so doing, he provoked his own legislature and members of his own party, including his Lieutenant Governor. You would think that his image could not get worse, but now it has.
Governor Sanford suddenly disappeared for nearly a week, leaving no information as to his whereabouts , to the Lieutenant Governor, his own staff, and even his wife and four sons! How crazy and outrageous can conduct be by a governor, who has responsibilities to his state as well as his family!
Realize that Fathers Day passed and Sanford was nowhere to be found for his own sons along with his wife. And IF a natural disaster had occurred, there would have been no way to contact the governor, since he left no information behind to ANYONE!
Certainly, any person, including those in elective office, have a right to rest and relaxation, but not without informing and notifying others of where he would be and how to contact him.
This is extremely odd behavior, unbecoming of any politician, and really of any father and husband! And this man supposedly is planning to run for President of the United States, not that he would be seen as a likely choice based on his loner status and stupid and antagonizing behavior as Governor.
It is clear that Mark Sanford has shot himself in the foot as far as his Presidential candidacy is concerned. When he was in the House of Representatives, he also had great trouble relating to his colleagues and staff. This man in so many ways is unfit for any public position, and I would suggest that he be investigated for his weird behavior, and that he possibly be impeached and removed from office if he does not resign under fire. Mark Sanford is an embarassment to his state, his party, and to his family, and should be ashamed of himself and, at the least, be required to explain his behavior openly and completely at a news conference, but don’t bet on that based on his personality and behavioral characteristics.
This incident, by the way, only adds to the horrible image that the Republican party has displayed since the election of Barack Obama. The broad question is, who has credibility to be a serious presidential alternative to President Obama? Right now, the answer is NO ONE!