It is hard to believe that it has been eight years since the shocking events of September 11, 2001. It was the most transforming and tragic day in American history since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and it has had many implications, not all good ones.
September 11 made us realize that we had been lax about our security and very cocky that we would always be safe. In that sense, the events of that day woke us up, and we have been fortunate enough, with the assistance of security specialists in our government at all levels, to prevent another attack. That alone is something to applaud and be thankful for.
But September 11 has also led to abuse of presidential power under the Bush-Cheney administration; the violation of the Bill of Rights, often unjustified; the growing danger of nativism, racism, and racial profiling; the demagogery practiced by many Republican politicians and a smaller number of Democrats; the growing irresponsibility of talk show hosts on radio; and just generally the growing social division of this country which only inspires the evil terrorists who set out to destroy this country.
If we are not careful, the terrorists will ultimately win by being successful in pitting Americans against Americans and destroying our democracy.
The nation must be dedicated to promoting a stronger homeland security, but also promoting a sense of togetherness and unity, bringing us to a state of strengthening our freedoms and civil liberties, because without them, we have lost the struggle against evil. We don’t wish to emulate the terrorists and enemies we have, but to stand out as a shining example of a truly democratic nation!