Conflicting Poll On Obama After Nine Months In The Presidency

Today marks nine months of the Obama Presidency, and a new CNN poll shows conflicting results.

It shows that 55 percent approve of Obama’s handling of his job, but only 48 percent agree with him on the important issues at hand. Two out of three think Obama has the qualities to make a good President, but only a third think he deserved the Nobel Peace Prize,although more than two thirds are proud that an American won the prize.

Hillary Clinton ranks higher than the President in personal appeal, as does Michelle Obama. The fact that Hillary is considered more popular must be a very happy consolation prize for her, but of course, she is not being forced to make tough decisions that a President has to make.

In many ways, the poll shows conflict and confusion, probably because the President is taking on many tough issues at once, and as always, change tends to cause insecurity and doubts, but still it can be said that Obama is in quite good shape after nine months in office.

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