Day: October 30, 2009

Jerry Brown Governor Of California Again 28 Years Later?

It seems more and more likely that former California Governor Jerry Brown (1975-1983), who also ran for the Presidential nomination in 1976, 1980, and 1992, served as Oakland Mayor, and is now Attorney General, will be the next Governor of California at age 71, making him the oldest governor, as well as its youngest governor at age 35!

This is due to the fact that San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has withdrawn from the race in which he was the only announced Democratic candidate! Brown is unlikely to have a divisive primary, and his chances of defeating former Ebay CEO Meg Whitman or two other GOP candidates seem excellent, particularly with Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger extremely unpopular as California struggles through the devastating effect of the recession on the nation’s largest state.

When the biography of Jerry Brown is finally written at some point in the future, it will be a long and fascinating story of how a man could accomplish all of the many roles that Jerry Brown has filled in his long career in politics!

Liz Cheney Is Wrong To Criticize President Obama On Visit To Honor Fallen Soldiers In Afghanistan

Liz Cheney, the older daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is off base to criticize President Obama for visiting Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to honor the fallen soldiers coming home from Afghanistan.

The President was honoring the service and sacrifice of our warriors, something George W. Bush never did in public and did rarely at all, and something Dick Cheney NEVER did at any time, despite promoting a war policy that sent these and other soldiers to war.

The nation at large needs to be reminded, by viewing the caskets on television and cable, what we are doing overseas, something many Americans do not spend any time thinking about, due to the end of the military draft in 1973.

The President was very dignified and respectful, as he always tends to be. The daughter of Vice President Cheney owes the President an apology for her hypocritical statement, especially considering that her dad never served in the military and received multiple deferments.

Liz Cheney has become a clone of her dad, and it does not reflect well on him or on her!

Two Thirds Of A Million Jobs Created Or Saved By Economic Stimulus in First Nine Months

It is good news that about 640,000 jobs, half of them in education, were created or saved by the first installment of the economic stimulus during the Obama Administration’s first nine months.

It is clear that without the economic stimulus, there would be even greater unemployment numbers and the economy would be in deeper recession.

As always is the case, patience is short in a time of recession, but the indications are that the Obama programs are creating hope for the future rise of employment in America. Certainly, it is a better strategy than the conservative view that nothing should have been done to stimulate the economy!