The New “Glamour Boy” Of The Republican Party: Senator John Thune

When one looks at the leading figures in the Republican Party that are seen as possible presidential candidates, it is noticeable that all except Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota have been already candidates for national office or, in the case of Newt Gingrich, have been out of office for more than a decade.

Also, all except Gingrich, have been governors. The feeling is that someone in the Senate who is a “fresh face” should be part of the equation, so therefore, there has been a buildup lately for Senator John Thune of South Dakota.

Young (in his 40s), handsome, charismatic, and charming, Thune is seen as a Giant Killer, since he defeated Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle in 2004.

Thune expresses no interest in running for President, but after all, he is seeking reelection in 2010, so it makes sense that he would show no interest before that race is decided.

However, he is seen by many as the best Senate candidate for the White House that the Republicans have, so don’t be surprised that you might see him in Iowa and New Hampshire in 2011!

One comment on “The New “Glamour Boy” Of The Republican Party: Senator John Thune

  1. Fred November 13, 2009 9:38 am

    Let’s see. A first term Senator with very little political experience on the national stage. Isn’t this what the Republicans campaigned against in 2008?

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