The debate over what to do regarding illegal immigration rages on, but what is happening now in the state of Arizona cries out for a sense of decency and common humanity.
An Arizona resident, a member of a group called No More Deaths, which supports humanitarian aid to illegal immigrants along the US-Mexico border, specifically in the form of jugs of water left for illegals crossing the Mexican-Arizona desert, was convicted of littering, and faces the possibility of 25 days in jail for leaving water to prevent deaths occurring.
The number of illegals who die in the desert is staggering, and no matter what one thinks about the concept of illegal immigration itself, it is obvious that many of these illegals are escaping Mexico out of economic desperation and take dangerous chances trying to walk across the border.
Is it appropriate to put someone in jail for this basic gesture of providing water? Are we that lacking in humanity and decency as to have no concern for life or death of these illegals?
Should someone be punished for having a standard of morality and ethics where he cannot turn away from his fellow man in trouble? I say absolutely NO! This is a disgrace and a miscarriage of justice!
Wow this is absolutely insane. But of course some further on the right than myself will say that they are condoning others to come into the country illegally. Well seriously, where are our priorities? How can we judge someone who is simply providing water for these folks? This is outrageous. So outrageous that I can’t even really give a very articulate response… :-/