Dick Cheney And The Truth: Not Someone Who Can Be Trusted!

Former Vice President Dick Cheney has real problems dealing with the truth.

He claims that President Obama acts as if we are not fighting a war against terrorists, when Obama has constantly spoken about it, and is making more of a military commitment to Afghanistan.

Cheney also says that Obama is wrong to release people held in Guantanamo Naval Base, and yet the Bush Administration released numerous (in the hundreds) so called terrorists, and returned them to countries in the Middle East, including Yemen, and some have gone back into the war on terror.

Cheney and others say that the Christmas Day Bomber should not have a civilian trial, and yet Richard Reid, the Shoe Bomber in 2001, had just such a trial, and is serving life in prison without parole at a maximum security prison in Colorado.

So, Vice President Cheney, what is the problem you have with consistency and the truth? But then again, it is obvious you have been doing a lot of lying since you became Vice President in 2001. In fact, it could be said that you are a pathological liar who cannot be trusted! 🙁

One comment on “Dick Cheney And The Truth: Not Someone Who Can Be Trusted!

  1. Antonella Fernandez January 5, 2010 12:10 am

    It is so funny that this is coming from a man that says and I quote “Principle is okay up to a certain point, but principle doesn’t do any good if you lose.” Cheney in my perspective has no right to judge our current president’s executive actions. Did Cheney forget about the case under the Bush administration that the U.S. would abduct people from around the world, accuse them of being Terrorists, ship them to Guantanamo, and then keep them there for as long as we wanted without offering them any real due process to contest the accusations against them. Many Democrats (including Barack Obama) claimed they were vehemently opposed to this denial of due process for detainees.

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