Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has made a major mistake by rejecting the request of C Span for transparency on the health care bill.
She claims that there has been total transparency on the legislation, but in actual fact, much of the bill, as passed in different forms in the House and Senate, is unknown, and by leaving doubt and refusing any GOP involvement in formal conference committee hearings in public, she feeds the “conspiracy” theory that the Freedom Works/ Tea Party has been promoting.
It is not my belief that anything untoward is happening, but the impression is left that there is something evil going on. Even if the GOP were to cause delays and obstruction, the worst that could happen is delay, and that would be better than to leave the image that the Democrats are trying to “pull the wool” over the eyes of the American people.
That kind of impression could cause the greater loss of seats in November. Let the GOP look bad, and it helps the Democrats. But let the Democrats look bad, and it helps the Republicans.
President Obama needs to push Congress to promote the transparency promised during the 2008 campaign. There is no need to rush this legislation, as long as it is accomplished this year. Don’t feed the Republican propaganda, Democrats! Do you hear? 🙁