Fox News Channel talk show host Bill O’Reilly has a sick sense of humor, and that is being charitable!
O’Reilly has suggested that it might be a good idea to “kidnap” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
He also joked that maybe it would be good to “waterboard” Nancy Pelosi, making light of this horrible torture tactic utiilized by the Bush Administration, and still endorsed by conservative talk show hosts and former Vice President Dick Cheney.
O’Reilly is not being funny in reality; he is being outrageous and obscene, and needs to cease and desist in such rhetoric. But then again, has any conservative talk show host,or spokesperson, including O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, etc EVER apologized or changed their behavior? NO, as their purpose is to divide, promote hate and dissension, and enrich themselves while manipulating their gullible audiences! 🙁
I share a lot of your views when it comes to Obama’s first year in office as it is hard to get things done with so much resistance. I’m not as educated in politics, and I probably don’t keep up as much as I should, but I was wondering if you’ve happened to watch the documentary, albeit a mishmash of conspiracy theories, called The Obama Deception ( I try to keep an open mind about things, just wondering what your take on something like this is.
This is typical conspiracy theory bunk. It has no validity, as it comes from the minds of people who see an opportunity to promote fear and division, and to earn profits from the spreading of propaganda with no basis. My advice is to ignore it!
Bill O’Reilly has the right to attack Pelosi and Reed. Just as the pundits on MSNBC joke around about conservative politicians O’Reilly can do the same. Though we may disagree with what they are saying, we must tolerate their views because it is their right. And Yes, O’Reilly does use his pulpit to espouse views and ideas that are extremely distasteful, but again so does everyone else in the media.
Hopefully, Mr. O’Reilly will remember his right to state his comments, and not chastise other media companies for attacking conservative politicians. I remember Bill found it “horrible†how the liberal media treated Sarah Palin. It is their right as well and Mr. O’Reilly seemed to forget that part. Both sides say comments we do not agree with, and frankly should not even listen to. Unfortunately, not every American realizes that the pundits –liberal and conservative- get paid to be crazy.