A New Attack On Disabled Children By Religious Bigot In Virginia!:(

A member of the Virginia legislature has declared that disabled children have been increasing in greater numbers because of women having abortions.

State Delegate Bob Marshall said that disabled children are born to women who have abortions because God is punishing them for their sin!

How does this explain disabled children who are born to women who DON’T have abortions, Mr. Marshall? And why are you condemning disabled children as a punishment, rather than see them as God’s “special” children who can bring their own joys and happiness to their parents, and whose innocence is very appealing in a world which includes such mean, nasty people as you, a supposedly religious person, who is above all a zealot and bigot, NOT a “good Christian” based on his own hatred and poisonous, uncaring rhetoric? 🙁

The best thing this jerk could do is resign in shame from the Virginia legislature, and Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and all Republican leaders in this country need to condemn the narrow mindedness and prejudice that this man represents!

And Sarah Palin, in the name of decency, needs to come out squarely against this kind of outrage, although the fact that he is a Republican, will she, or just dismiss it, as she did, after Rush Limbaugh used the term “retard”? Come on, Sarah, be consistent in the name of your son, Trig! 🙁

2 comments on “A New Attack On Disabled Children By Religious Bigot In Virginia!:(

  1. William Nightingale, Jr. February 27, 2010 9:24 pm


    Your statement: “State Delegate Bob Marshall said that disabled children are born to women who have abortions because God is punishing them for their sin!” is completely false and misleading.

    I just watched the Conference that you are alluding to and Mr. Marshall (R-13 District, Prince William County, VA) NEVER said what you are claiming in your Blog. He does mention: “Nature’s Vengeance” – not “God”; “punishing” for “sin”.

    My Source is Fox 5 WTTG and Bob Barnard’s Exclusive Article goes on with his statement:

    Marshall blames a Virginia Commonwealth University student journalist who attended that news conference for twisting his words in a blog posting.

    “I never mention God punishing women,” Marshall told us. “I talked about ‘nature’s vengeance’ and I regret those terms. I should have said ‘natural consequences.’ It’s just like somebody who drinks alcohol to excess and gets a liver problem. You can’t blame God for that. You did it to yourself.”

    Mr. Marshall’s Statement can be heard on the video feed with Mr. Barnard’s article is posted to the right of this feed.

    Here is the link to verify what I saw and heard:


    Why don’t you quote your source?
    Why do you misrepresent the “truth” by making up something that never happened?
    What is your motive for discrediting Mr. Marshall?

    This is not the first time I have noticed this hateful pattern in you and I am, truly, disappointed. Whether you are a “Progressive” or not, you can not play politics with the Truth – the Truth must remain Paramount. When I entered University in September 1980, a History Professor and a Philosophy Professor – both with a PhD’s – taught me that that History relies on the Truth with Authentic, Actual and Tangible Evidence to support it. Keep these priorities straight with your mission and your people. Please do not loose sight of this.

    You owe Delegate Marshall and your readers an apology.

  2. model S May 2, 2010 10:24 pm

    if you read this william, i’d like to point out that “nature” has no feelings, and cannot take “vengance” unless of course “gaia” the goddess of nature (greek) is the nature you refer to, or perhaps the goddess of fertility? considering this is about abortions, consider this, my birth mother had only one child, me. then had her tubes tied. she’d never been pregnant before that. why then is nature exacting vengence on me for what some woman didn’t do? i’m autistic. now, explain. why am i disabled if “god” didn’t do it, or if there’s no cause for it. what about sarah palin’s down syndrome kid? she believes abortion should be illegal, therefore she couldn’t have had one. why is “nature” taking “vengance” on her? ((other than the obvious part of her being really stupid))

    so william, explain why “nature’s vengance” is affecting those for something they never did.

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