Rachel Maddow on MSNBC has been exposing over the past few months the tale of the C Street Center in Washington, DC. Other news organizations have also been examining this strange combination of politics and religion in what is clearly a corrupt manner! 🙁
Now a group of ministers have lodged a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service about this so called center on Capitol Hill that offers inexpensive lodging and meals for conservative Christians who serve in the Congress, but yet claims to be a church with the entitlement of tax exempt status.
The town house Center is an affiliate of a secretive international Christian network called the “Fellowship” or “Family”.
Among the activities of this group are to cultivate ties with political leaders, military figures, and business people, but they also gave advice and counsel to leaders in Uganda who have been pushing for punishment and death for gays in that country via the passage of legislation outlawing homosexuality.
This group also sponsors the National Prayer Breakfast held in the nation’s capital and many state capitals every February, so obviously this “Fellowship” or “Family” wields great clout.
But some of its membership in the center, mostly conservative Republicans, have become involved in scandalous love affairs, including former Congressman and present Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina, Senator John Ensign of Nevada, and former Mississippi Congressman Charles Pickering.
There is a general tone of corruption and manipulation about the C Street Center and the group which sponsors it and has tax exempt status, and it is essential to have the IRS fully investigate it, and for a congressional probe as well, if only the Congress has the courage to look at a case tying together politics and religion in an unethical manner!