If one listens to Talk Radio, watches Fox News Channel, or believes Tea Party activists, one would think that our taxes have skyrocketed under President Barack Obama.
The truth is just the opposite: Taxes are the lowest in 60 years, as stated by the Tax Policy Center at the Brookings Institution!
And when one recognizes that taxes were at their highest percentage during the Eisenhower Administration (1953-1961), at a 92 percent rate for the wealthy, it makes one wonder how so many Americans (34 percent according to a recent poll) can believe the propaganda that is out there complaining about the basic responsibility of all Americans to support their government, particularly when all Americans expect their government to provide services!
Does anyone really believe that we can get services from government, as we all do, and somehow, NOT have to pay our fair share of taxes?
Is the country becoming that self centered that it thinks only everyone else should pay taxes, but not oneself? This is the result of thirty years of conservative propaganda, which has only been aimed at making middle class Americans pay taxes, while the wealthy are supposed to be able to avoid their fair share of responsibility to pay taxes.
And remember, the highest level of federal taxes took place under a Republican President, not a Democrat, and this during the so called “conservative” 1950s! 🙂