Glenn Beck, George W. Bush, And The Term “Progressive”!

Talk show host Glenn Beck is at it again, continuing to distort history and the meaning of the word “progressive”!

According to this character, George W. Bush was a “progressive”! Is there anything more crazy than that assertion? 🙁

George W. Bush destroyed the environment during his administration!

George W. Bush undermined organized labor during his time in office!

George W. Bush abused civil liberties with the promotion of the Patriot Act!

George W. Bush undermined regulation of Wall Street and the corporations during his Presidency!

George W. Bush cut taxes on the wealthy and, as a result, the rich became richer, the poor became poorer, and the middle class was decimated!

George W. Bush doubled the national debt, with a good part of the debt increase being due to two undeclared wars that were sold to the American people as a question of national security, even though neither war has made our national security any more the reality for our nation!

George W. Bush undermined our relations with foreign nations, particularly what had been our close friendship with the Western European democracies!

The Presidents who have been seen as “progressive” were all Democrats from Woodrow Wilson onward, plus Theodore Roosevelt, who set the example for Wilson and other Democrats, and in some limited ways, Richard Nixon!

To call George W. Bush a “progressive” is enough to make one wonder if the person stating such is a “sane, rational” individual!

In the case of Glenn Beck, we know the answer to that question! 🙂 LOL

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