The Reviving Influence Of Bill Clinton

Former President Bill Clinton has had his ups and downs in political influence since he left office nine and a half years ago.

Often seen as a burden on his wife, Hillary Clinton, during her run for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2008, his stature has risen since she became Secretary of State!

He scored a great public relations victory when he fought against the labor unions and in the Arkansas Senatorial primary, being a strong supporter of moderate to conservative Senator Blanche Lincoln.

Now that he has triumphed on that front, the former President is attempting to influence the Nevada Senate race, promoting the reelection of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid!

The nomination of Sharron Angle, backed by the Tea Party activists, and holding weird views on many issues, should make the Reid reelection effort a whole lot easier! But it cannot hurt to have Bill Clinton on your side, and Harry Reid is happy to have his strong support!

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