The Extreme Right Gone Berserk: The Tea Party And Michele Bachmann! :(

The extreme right wing in America is going totally berserk in their hatred of President Barack Obama! 🙁

In Northern Iowa, the local Tea Party Movement put up a billboard, which has now been removed, which depicts President Obama as a “Democratic Socialist”, in between Adolf Hitler as a “National Socialist” and Vladimir Lenin as a “Marxist Socialist”! The implication is that Obama has pursued the same policies as the Nazi and Soviet leaders! Of course, this shows total ignorance of what Nazism and Communism were all about! 🙁

Also, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, long a wingnut, has lost two staff members on her office and committee staffs, after her assertion that Barack Obama is trying to “enslave” the American people! These staff people felt they were no longer able to work for a woman who is so divisive and reckless in her statements! The race between Bachmann and Tarryl Clark for the congressional seat is showing a growing narrowing of Bachmann’s lead, making it a real horse race!

These whacko statements and depictions of the President are, of course, covered under the First Amendment, but it is about time that Republican leaders and talk show hosts on radio and Fox News Channel deplore and condemn such irresponsible and reckless statements and actions!

But based on everything we have seen in the past 18 months, don’t count on that! 🙁

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