Every President has a full contingent of cabinet members, but rarely do many of them have a major impact historically. Most come and go and are forgotten, except for a few, who scholars study to analyze their influence on the Presidency!
A few Presidents, however, have a large number of cabinet members who are memorable! This would include Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy!
It could be possible, however, that Barack Obama may be presiding over an historic cabinet, and some of the people have become more influential and significant than one might have thought even six months or a year ago!
Among these are the following:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton–who has become much more significant than many would have thought possible! She is very close to her former rival, and travels all over the world as an extremely active diplomat!
Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner–long under attack, but surviving and consolidating his influence in regards to the Financial Reform legislation and the Economic Stimulus legislation!
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates–a carryover from George W. Bush, but a major figure in every sense, very loyal, and also reforming the department, cutting costs on weapons systems seen as unnecessary, and also leading the charge on ending “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the military services!
Attorney General Eric Holder–under constant attack on many fronts including how to handle terrorist trials, but strong and assertive, and playing a major role in reforming the role of the Justice Department on many legal issues!
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan–a major player in reforming education, promoting teacher accountability, and not well liked by the teachers unions, but more in the forefront than most people who have held his position!
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood–the other Republican in the cabinet in addition to Robert Gates, he has been a real activist in promoting his department’s influence, more than most who have held this office in the past!
Four other cabinet members, faced with great challenges, have had a rough media image due to the controversies over health care and the BP oil spill crisis, but have also been intimately involved in administration policy making: Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano.
What is certainly apparent is that Barack Obama made a conscious decision that his cabinet members were going to be major players in policy making! His cabinet choices overall have had an impact that will be seen as making this group one of the more historic and influential such combinations of public servants in American history!