Alvin Greene, the South Carolina Democratic Senate nominee against Senator Jim DeMint, is a true “unknown” quantity, having shocked everyone by defeating a white state legislator, despite have no campaign appearances, no funding, no platform of ideas, and no media coverage! Many have wondered if he was part of a Republican plot to undermine the Democrats, and have questioned how this unemployed person was able to pay the filing fee to run! It has also been pointed out that he faces trial on a pornography charge!
But so far, he has been cleared in every sense except the upcoming trial, and yesterday, he made his first public appearance at a local NAACP event in his home town, and delivered what he claimed would be a 20 minute speech, but ended up being only 7 minutes!
Greene repeated himself many times in his speech, which was handwritten, and referred indirectly to his own legal problems! He had nothing substantive to say, and it would be stretching things to say that he made a good impression! He also would not take any questions from the news media, and the one time he has granted an interview, he had long pauses before answering, sometimes as much as five minutes!
To believe that he has a chance to defeat DeMint is to believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus! The question remains whether he will debate DeMint, hold news conferences, make many campaign appearances, and have a campaign staff!
So far, there are no indications on these matters, and it seems likely that DeMint will win by a bigger margin than any Senate candidate running, and that Alvin Greene will turn out to be an embarrassing disaster for the Democratic Party! 🙁