Sally Quinn of the Washington Post recently came up with the suggestion of Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton switching positions for the Presidential Election of 2012!
Now, former Virginia Governor Douglas Wilder has made the same suggestion in an article on the Politico website!
His argument is similar to Sally Quinn’s view: that President Obama is going to need the support of Hillary Clinton fans to win in 2012, and that Joe Biden cannot help him win the next election!
The argument is that Hillary is able to win the white working class vote, both male and female, and that is Obama’s major Achilles Heel! Hillary would bring out more committed and emotional support, and would be seen as the heir apparent in 2016!
Meanwhile, Biden could have the position he always seemed to want–to be Secretary of State, since he has always been particularly involved in and fascinated by foreign policy, and was long time Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee!
The question is how both Hillary and Joe feel about this concept, as well as President Obama’s view! It is clear that Obama is close to Biden, and sees him as an integral part of his administration!
But at the same time, Hillary Clinton has been a very active and committed Secretary of State, and very loyal to her former rival!
So this question will obviously be bandied about a lot in the next six to twelve months, and the question will arise whether the switch would occur with the election, with both Hillary and Joe as “lame ducks’ until January 20, 2013, or whether the 25th Amendment would be utilized for the first time since 1974 to make the switch BEFORE the election!
Was this the purpose of the 25th Amendment, to change the Vice Presidency holder for the upcoming election, or only when there was a vacancy due to death, bad health, impeachment, or resignation for corruption reasons of the Vice President or the President?
That is the key issue involved here, and it will certainly be discussed and debated until the situation is clear as to what President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Secretary of State Clinton decide is best for the three of them and for the nation!