Pettiness To The Extreme: Michelle Obama Vacation In Spain! :(

It seems impossible for Barack Obama to do anything that will not come under attack, no matter how petty it is!

The fact that First Lady Michelle Obama decided to have some personal vacation time with daughter Sasha, 9 years old, in Spain, and with a few friends and their children, is coming under attack!

The New York Daily News, a true “rag”, compared what Michelle Obama is doing to Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France during the French Revolution, who supposedly said about the masses: “Let them eat cake!”. Marie Antoinette was later executed, along with her husband, King Louis XVI!

What a preposterous, ridiculous comparison! 🙁 Michelle Obama is paying her own way, as are her friends! The only expense for the government is Air Force Two and the secret service detail, but that is unavoidable anywhere the First Lady and children go !

The Daily News has exaggerated the facts and details of the trip, and supposedly, because many people are unemployed, the First Lady is not entitled to a vacation!

Well, then why is Congress taking time off, and why do any Americans take off time in the summer break? This is totally ridiculous, and NO ONE needs to apologize going on vacation, because others are unemployed and cannot go on vacation!

We have reached the point of being preposterous to the extreme, and this is not the first time a First Lady has taken vacations away from the President!

And considering the burdens the President has, more than any since Franklin D. Roosevelt, he need not apologize for any time off he takes, since it would never match the time taken by George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan!

The answer is that there should be no response to such outrageous, petty attacks, and let the critics stew in their poisonous venom! 🙁

3 comments on “Pettiness To The Extreme: Michelle Obama Vacation In Spain! :(

  1. Jonathan Reiter August 7, 2010 10:48 am

    Anything the Obamas do seems to draw criticism from their political opposition and the Conservative media. I’m shocked how people would draw the comparison to Marie Antoinette, especially considering the LACK of similarities between the two. Obama did not create the unemployment problem, I can only critique the lack of progress in jobs creation, but not all the circumstances are in his control. The monarchs of France selfishly taxed the lower/middle classes and let their citizens starve with little regard for the problems of the time. Obama is not neglecting anyone but the Republicans, whose behavior deserves to be ignored.

  2. David Glauber August 8, 2010 6:15 am

    I completely agree with these sentiments.

  3. William Nigghtingale, Jr. August 12, 2010 8:37 pm

    I think you may be on to something with this “Michelle Thing” Ron!

    Now, I know that you, really, admire another Michelle – Malkin,- and she has a very interesting article By Doug Powers: ‘Leave Michelle Obama Alone!’ dated August 11, 2010 03:21 PM!!

    Here is the link:

    But the Main Attraction, in this article, is a You Tube Video that is made by a Young African American Woman that, really, sums up the feeling that most American’s have about our FLOTUS – it, too, is entitled – you guessed it: ‘Leave Michelle Obama Alone!’

    Here is the Direct You Tube Link:

    I could have not stated it any better than she did!!!!!!!!!!!!

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