The Growing Religious Bigotry In America Very Troubling!

Religion is supposed to bring people together, promote peace and understanding, and encourage tolerance!

But just the opposite has been happening in recent years! We are seeing a nation that is, by reputation, much more devout than most European countries, demonstrating a total lack of tolerance on the part of many “good, religious people” who would claim to be close to God!

Why should it matter if someone is a Muslim, a Catholic, a Jew, a Mormon, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a mainline Protestant, a Baptist, an evangelical Christian, an atheist or an agnostic?

What makes any religious belief somehow better than other divine thoughts? We are supposed to be a nation of religious freedom, but there is apparently so much hate and suspicion, if someone in public life is of a different faith than you are!

Why should it matter that John F. Kennedy was a Catholic? Why should it matter that Barack Obama had a Muslim father? Why should it matter that Mitt Romney is a Mormon? Why should it matter that Joe Lieberman, a Jew, was a theoretical heartbeat away from the Presidency if Al Gore had won the Presidency in 2000? And why should it matter if some political candidate might doubt the existence of God or not believe in God?

We are supposed to be a nation that believes in separation of church and state, so religion should NOT be a factor in politics, and promotion of hate and prejudice towards people, public or private, based on religion is a disgrace, that undermines American democracy! 🙁

6 comments on “The Growing Religious Bigotry In America Very Troubling!

  1. William Nightingale, Jr. August 21, 2010 3:05 am

    First – No one can write The One True Living God out of His Own Script. You and many people, really, believe that all religions are, basically, the same or should be given the same status The Most High God has. It just does not work that way. He makes the Rules as He sees fit – Good try though!

    Second – You can thank Hugo Black – for this Spiritual Confusion – with his Everson v. Board of Education Decision, (1947). His distortion of the Truth and History has seriously crippled America in the Manner of the One True Living God’s Providence. Way to go Secular Humanists!

    Third – This is a matter of Spiritual Dynamics – Something a College Degree can not give you or give anyone else a True Understanding of Spiritual Law. However – I, personally, know Someone that is a True Expert in these Matters – Jesus Christ. Once you get to know Him, it is the first day of School and He will undue all the damage that “Intellectualism” has done over the years!!!

    Fourth – It’s, just, that Simple. The hard part is just letting go of the worldly concepts and the antiqued self reliance that we just love to hang onto – me included!!!!!
    Remember, it’s a Relationship – not a religion.

    Fifth – We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC – not a Democracy!

    As an American History Professor: SENIOR PROFESSOR History/Political Science History/Political Sciences at Broward Community College South Campus and Florida Atlantic University: Adjunct Professor Areas of Expertise: 20th Century America; Diplomatic History; Constitutional History; American Immigration and Ethnicity; also Author: TWILIGHT OF PROGRESSIVISM: THE WESTERN REPUBLICAN SENATORS AND THE NEW DEAL (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981) –

    I would think by now – you would know the difference. The Founding Father’s, intentionally, steered US away from a Democracy. If you, really, believe that “There is an Urgent Need for More College Educated People – in the Future” – you need to stop distorting the Truth – like the Main Stream Media does. For some reason, “Intellectuals” can not play nicely within The Most High God’s Playground – try to work within His Limitations – it goes a long way in Propping Up the Republic and may just give us back the “Edge” we need to survive and thrive.

    Sixth – It is all about the American Identity. Now, we are at a crossroads: Restore and Retain what The One True Living God have given us – Our American Identity or Dissolve into to abyss of the Untied Nations – who, by the way, hates God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit through Atheism, Secularism and Humanism. What do they call it now – Sustainable Growth? Way to go UN!!!!

    Seventh – You do have a choice here – Limited Free Will. So Ron, what will you choose: The Hope and Promise of your American Identity & Heritage through Devine Providence or the Death of your Dissimilarity – within the United Nations – through the Despair of Atheistic Secular Humanism? Choose wisely my friend – Time is, really, short!

  2. Jonathan August 21, 2010 12:03 pm

    LOL. Wow MR William Nightingale seems to have a problem separating his RELIGIOUS beliefs from Public policy but that shouldn’t be suprising since many on the Right seem to think that this country was founded as a “Christian Republic”.

    Anyone with a shred of common sense can understand that the constitution was written in such vague terminology in some areas and yet clear in others because the documnent was intended for modification and amendment over time. This nation was founded to be a Pluralist safe haven for those seeking sanctuary from religious and ehtnic persecution and power hungry monarcchs. There is no concrete evidence to prove that the founding fathers EVER intended for this country to be a Christian nation since many of them were of various religious ideologiesm, ranging from Deist, Agnostic and Christian.

    HOW DARE ANYONE suggest that this country should pay homage and recognize one particular faith as one and true when Religion and Faith are just BLIND FAITH. One cannot prove the existence of a Deity or Supremacy of a particular faith. Throughout this nations history, Religion has been used as a tool to EXCUSE slavery, ethnic/racial supremacy, mistreatment of the indians, exploitation of Latin America, and intolerance towards Catholic and Jewish immigrants during the times of the Industrial revolution and so forth.

    It is people like William which give Atheists something to hold onto. I was blessed with being brought up with foundations in Catholicism/Christianity and Judaism. I was fortunate enough to obtain a college education and expand my own mental limitations and rock my own foundations with new knowledge and different views on history, religion, philosophy and can conclude that of all Religions, Christianity has been the most misrepresented and exploiting religion I have known.

    The Christian Right accuses the Left and Secularists of having a sense of elitism and trying to maniuplate mainstream media with accusations of a “secret agenda” of attacking the faith. Yet, many of the Christian right apply elitist tactics and discourse when speaking of their views and perception of how this nation was to be intended upon. This is a nation of people from various faiths and taking that into account, how can this country be a country for all unless it is a Pluralist society.

    To accuse the UN of hating God or Jesus proves a lack of ignorance on the commenter’s behalf. Christianity has been hijaked by those with a agenda of intolerance and lack of knowledge of Jesus’ true message. Would Jesus approve mistreatment of minorities? Would Jesus have approved of Manifest Destiny and the horrors it inflicted ? Would Jesus approve of discriminating against the Islamic community?

    It is this type or arrogance and ignorance that gives the world and the Islamic radicals fuel for the fire of hating and wanting to destroy us. We are supposed to be better than our enemies not play their game. If you want a religious Theocracy so bad, go LIVe in IRAN

  3. Michael August 23, 2010 10:54 pm

    Actually William, we were for quite some time a confederacy. Not a true republic nor democracy.
    However, after shay’s rebellion and the meetings of the continental congress and the debates between federalism and anti-federalism.
    The Great Comprimise was born creating a bicameral legislature. This in turn formed the United States into a Republic. The founding fathers knew a true democracy was impossible. With the Great comprimise the debate of a equal representative government was answered.
    The amendments in the constitution were vague for a reason. The ability to amend.
    However, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;… It is through our interpretation where we deem this as seperation of church and state. Yes we can agree to that, however to an extent. Many federal or government building’s may have religious statues. Best example would be our pledge of allegiance. “…Indivisble under God.”
    Now, Since you seem pretty intelligent William I’m sure that you knew that Jesus himself was Jewish and Middle-Eastern? Our concept of a White-anglosaxon Jesus is a misconstrued portrait of what we want to see.

    Now, before you go ahead and bash my beliefs. I believe in God. I believe in a Deity. I lean more towards the Catholic/Christian basis. However. I have my doubts in the full history of Jesus as the savior and the bible as it was not the word of God. More of just the teachings of the gospels passed down over time. Not to mention that over hundreds of translations later and revisions and new and old testaments, what is legitimate and what was placed in the bible by a power hungry pope?
    Well that’s my opinion, and I forgot to add, I apologize for my grammar. It’s really late.

  4. Steve Draper August 24, 2011 4:45 pm

    Great content. I`m writing a book on self righteousness and bigotry etc. Would you be willing to let me use a couple of phrases from your blog. I will mention you in the book.


  5. Ronald August 24, 2011 6:07 pm

    That would be fine, but I would want to be notified of when the book comes out, have you identify yourself and your academic affiliation, how the blog is used in the book, and give me notice so that I could possibly purchase the book. So please inform me by email! Thanks!

  6. Rob August 26, 2012 3:18 am

    My observation is that the intolerance is from the non or anti religious progressives not from Christians Jews or even American Muslims

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