Time For Obama Voters Of 2008 To Recognize Need To Vote In 2010!

Every indication is that opponents of Barack Obama, including Republicans and conservatives and Tea Party Movement activists, and many independents, are enthused and motivated to vote, in order to paralyze the President’s agenda, and also to attempt a repeal of much of what he has been able to accomplish domestically, despite the Great Recession we are experiencing! 🙁

The lack of motivation, and the high level of apathy among Democrats and progressives, is threatening any possibility of further achievements in the next two years, including dealing with the economic suffering of millions of Americans! 🙁

Many are unhappy that the Great Recession is still very serious, and many are disillusioned that much of what they hoped would happen, has not occurred!

Many wanted a stronger health care law, and a more severe control of Wall Street! Many wanted to see quicker action on gay rights and many other social issues! Many wanted Barack Obama to be much more to the left than he has been!

BUT, if these Democrats and progressives “sit on their hands” and refuse to give financial support and vote for the party in the midterm elections, the result will be a greater blow to what these activists want!

This is not an ideal world, and while many on the left might wish Obama had done more of his agenda, they need to understand that everything that has been accomplished could be negated if the right wing wins the election, leading to total stalemate and gridlock between a potential GOP Congress and a Democratic President over the next two years! 🙁

What the author has just asserted was also echoed by Vice President Joe Biden last evening in an interview on the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC!

One comment on “Time For Obama Voters Of 2008 To Recognize Need To Vote In 2010!

  1. Margaret Mitchell, MSRN,, CNS September 16, 2010 5:33 pm

    I totally concur with Ron. This coming election will have negative repercussions for years if not decades if we allow the Repubs to gain control. Democtratic ideals and progress will be buried. Not only do the Repubs plan to repeal ever single piece of legislation, they also pledged to work 24/7 to find some reason to impeach President Obama…even if they have to engineer something,which we all know they are perfectly capable of doing.. They are already threatening a government shut down by denying funding of various bills, especially the health care bill. hey will stop at nothing to destroy President Obama and the Democratic Party. I cannot understand how any one of us would sit home with our heads in the sand and not vote. The Domocratic party is not perfect, we have made mistakes but we will work together to bring our economy back, bring civility back, respect and caring for our fellow citizens. WE will work to protect our citizens from the appalling abuses by big buisness and the banking industry. We have a huge job ahead of us! Now is the time to rise up, dig in and reject and work to remove the failed policies of the of the right such as deregulation, monetarism and Regans trickle-down economics. I ask you, is there any alternative? If we don’t vote and win then we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

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