Meg Whitman, the Republican candidate for Governor of California, has used illegal immigration as a campaign issue, and now has been shown to have employed illegal immigrants for many years, and underpaid them, and mistreated them, showing she is a hypocrite! 🙁
Lou Dobbs, former talk show host and analyst at CNN, and now only on radio, has long railed against illegal immigration in a demagogic way, and now the Huffington Post reports that Dobbs has employed illegal immigrants and exploited them, as well as showing lack of respect for them as individuals! 🙁
Isn’t this interesting? Wealthy arrogant people, such as Whitman and Dobbs, exploit immigrants who are just trying to improve their lives, and then attack them after having benefited from their services, and treat them like dirt! 🙁
What does this tell us about both Whitman and Dobbs, as well as many other wealthy and powerful people who are quietly and secretly doing the same thing, and giving illegal immigrants the same treatment?
It tells us that they are despicable, disgraceful human beings, who lie through their teeth, have no regard for human dignity, and should be repudiated by NOT voting for them for public office, and boycotting them if they are media people who promote hate and division in the quest for greed and materialism!
If a person treats those less fortunate in a degrading way, that is the true measure of their character, and they should be roundly condemned by all decent people! 🙁