Speculation About A Primary Challenge To Barack Obama: Would Such A Move Be Worthwhile?

Discontent with President Obama has been growing among principled liberals and progressives who do not wish for the President to accept compromises with the opposition Republicans.

It is understandable that there can be outrage and upset, but when the question arises that someone might challenge Obama in the 2012 Democratic Presidential primaries, one has to wonder whether that would indeed be a smart move, and who would mount such a challenge!

It seems to the author of this blog that challenging Obama would be extremely unwise, as it would weaken the President and give the GOP extra ammunition after he won the nomination over his critic. History tells us that when a sitting President is challenged for renomination, he invariably wins the nomination, but is so weakened that he loses to the opposition party’s Presidential nominee in the Fall campaign! This happened to William Howard Taft after Theodore Roosevelt challenged him, and the same with Gerald Ford after Ronald Reagan opposed him, Jimmy Carter after Ted Kennedy and Jerry Brown ran against him, and George HW Bush after Pat Buchanan competed against him!

As far as who would challenge Obama, there are not many choices, as there are fewer Democratic Senators and Governors, although a defeated office holder would have the freedom to run without a commitment to a political job!

It seems to the author that defeated Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin would probably be the strongest possible choice, as he is a great progressive voice, but his loss of his Senate seat would mark him as a loser in many people’s minds!

Trying to figure who else has the following and reputation to consider a serious challenge is a major undertaking, with no likelihood of a worthwhile, serious alternative!

Therefore, despite disillusionment with Barack Obama, the only real choice for Democrats, progressives and liberals is to fight to push Obama in their direction, but also to realize that a Republican victory in 2012 would be far worse than a “moderate, centrist” President that Barack Obama may represent by the time of the election in 2012!

One comment on “Speculation About A Primary Challenge To Barack Obama: Would Such A Move Be Worthwhile?

  1. tom December 7, 2010 10:27 pm

    Great post. The left’s reaction also reminds me of 2000 when they abandoned Gore for Ralph Nader. Nader won only a few percentage points, but it was enough to give Bush Florida. I don’t understand the childish nature of the far left. Had they supported Carter, and Gore, we would be in much better shape then we are today. Instead we got Reagan who started massive tax cuts, and deregulation, and W, who gave us two wars, rule by fear, and more massive tax cuts. People really need to get their heads out of their (*&^!

    thanks for posting this, not enough people are saying what needs to be said.


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