The controversy over the negotiated tax bill between President Barack Obama and the Republican opposition has reached the stage of a possible scenario which is preposterous on its surface!
Imagine this: Socialist independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Tea Party favorite and conservative Republican Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina both plan to filibuster the bill, obviously for different reasons!
Sanders is outraged by the continued tax cuts to the rich, while DeMint is resistant to the reinstituting of the estate tax and the continuation of unemployment compensation, which he believes discourages people from looking for work, so he wishes to end it completely!
DeMint’s reasons are totally outrageous, while Sanders, a good, decent man, and one of the favorites of the author, is understandably upset over the tax bill, but his move to filibuster is counterproductive!
But this scenario shows the turmoil that exists in Washington, DC, and this is BEFORE the Republicans take over the House of Representatives next year! 🙁