Day: April 27, 2011

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Finally Throws Down The Gauntlet To Senate Republicans: Vote For The Paul Ryan Plan On Medicare!

A moment of reckoning is coming for the 47 Senate Republicans, who have been railing against Barack Obama’s Health Care plan!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has finally shown some “cajones”, by deciding that there should be a roll call vote on the Paul Ryan House plan to make Medicare a voucher system in ten years, which gained the backing of 235 House Republicans!

Ever since then, the House Republicans are discovering in Town Halls in their congressional districts that the citizens are furious with them, and Paul Ryan himself in his Wisconsin House district has been subjected to booing and jeers and verbal challenges to defend his plan!

It will be interesting to see if any of the Senate Republicans abandon the Ryan plan, but in any case, those who vote for it, including those who face re-election contests in 2012, will be taking a big gamble, as the tides are turning against them, as the American people realize that the GOP cares not a whit for the welfare of senior citizens, young people, the unemployed, the sick, the handicapped, minorities, or labor, but only for the advancement of unbridled capitalism and the welfare of the corporations and the elite wealthy, who have destroyed the middle class and have no limit in their greed and selfishness!

So go ahead, Senate Republicans, vote and show your true colors to the nation!

Orly Taitz, Jerome Corsi, World Net Daily: The Big Lie Technique Of Adolf Hitler Revived!

Orlty Taitz is one of the originators of the “Birther” conspiracy about Barack Obama being born outside the United States, and she has lost cases in court and been fined for her lies and deceit.

Jerome Corsi is a so called professor who has published books promoting lies and conspiracy theories, and is about to publish a new book perpetuating the “Birther” myth to gullible readers!

World Net Daily is a scandal oriented “RAG”, which promotes sensationalism and lies, and has done so about Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and now Barack Obama, and has a wide readership despite its accusations that have no basis!

We live in a nation that promotes freedom of speech and freedom of the press, but these characters need to be called out by the mainstream media, and exposed for the phonies and manipulators of truth that they are!

They have all adopted the “Big Lie” technique, so effectively utilized by Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, which promoted the idea that the more one lies and deceives, the more people will believe it, so never let go, and fight against the truth, and exploit people’s prejudices and biases, all in the process of drawing attention to yourself and making profit in the process!

There should be no doubt left in mainstream media other than to expose and condemn Orly Taitz, Jerome Corsi, and World Net Daily, and all other propaganda that sets out to poison the political fabric of America and destroy any chance for unity and purpose in dealing with the many domestic and foreign policy problems this nation faces in 2011!

Is “Birther” Conspiracy Theory Resolved By Release By White House Of Certificate Of Live Birth? Don’t Bet On It!

Anyone who expects that the White House release of Barack Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth this morning will shut up the “Birthers” conspiracy theory is probably going to be disappointed!

It is absolutely insulting that no other President has ever been so mistreated regarding his birth certificate as Barack Obama!

Face the facts: It is because Barack Obama is black, born of a mixed race parentage, and has a Muslim sounding name that he has been put through this hell by loonies and by Donald Trump and others, with all of them knowing full well that it is a false issue, but doing everything they can to perpetuate it as a political issue, rather than focus on the real problems facing the nation, none of which were caused by Barack Obama, but rather by the Wall Street and corporate world and their Republican allies!

In reality, Obama should not have given in to this bull, but it was an honest attempt to move on and focus on the major issues, even though the opposition does not want to focus on the major issues, but want simply for Obama to fail so they can gain power and take us back to the 19th century Gilded Age!

If half of the registered Republicans in a poll still feel they doubt Obama’s birth in the United States, the answer should be simply to say “Enough of your moronic behavior and sick minds, we are moving ahead and exposing that you all have evil intent, and we will fight you tooth and nail and give you hell as we unite the American people in planning a future, not to be controlled by morons and idiots who only have selfishness and greed in your makeup, and do not give a damn for the future of the nation, unless you control all of the economic and social power! We are not going to allow you monsters to make this a fascist nation, and we will fight to our last breath to make sure you do not accomplish your evil goals!”

How does that sound for a fighting spirit to promote the expansion of progressivism, which has brought about ALL of the political, social, and economic progress of the past century, as the author so enunciates in his introductory statement, under “About the Progressive Professor”?

Appointment Of Leon Panetta To Defense Department And David Petraeus To CIA: Great Steps On National Security!

President Obama has decided to nominate CIA head Leon Panetta to succeed Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense this summer.

He has also decided to name General David Petraeus, head of the war command in Afghanistan, to become head of the CIA.

Both moves can be seen as great steps forward on national security, both for the safety of the United States, and also politically, as both Panetta and Petraeus should have no opposition from Republicans when their nominations come up for consideration.

Panetta, a former Republican long ago, worked as Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton, and is seen by almost everyone as a solid figure to run Defense.

Petraeus, a registered Republican who some thought as a possible Presidential choice in the future, has gained a great amount of respect and even awe as he has contributed to his country in the struggle against terrorism over the past decade!

The departure of Robert Gates this summer should not be accomplished without paying tribute to Gates, as one of the best Defense Secretaries in American history, and a welcome relief from Donald Rumsfeld, arguably the worst we have seen since the Defense Department was created out of the old War Department in 1947!

Gates helped both President George W. Bush and President Obama, and he has given fantastic service to his country, and is entitled to a well deserved retirement, although one can be sure that Gates will still contribute in other ways in the future, as he is the ultimate example of a great public servant!