The latest polls indicate total disgust with Congress, with 82 percent, the highest ever, seeing Congress in a negative fashion.
But even more astounding, 54 percent would like to replace the entire Congress if that was possible–throw out every last member of both houses of Congress, and start all over with new membership!
This is an astounding idea, totally based on emotion and anger, which is understandable with the deadlock between the political parties on Capitol Hill.
But in reality, it is the FAULT of the voters who set this up by creating a split Congress, which meant divided power, which guarantees gridlock and stalemate!
By voting in the Tea Party Republicans, the voters demonstrated that they had no clue as to how government works best!
What they have done is put anarchists in office who hate government, want to destroy its ability to be effective, and themselves are totally ignorant about the responsibilities and role of government in the lives of the American people!
This is not a small town, rural, 19th century America without prominence in world affairs, and no matter how much these Tea Party people and their voters want a return to nostalgia and the “easier” life of the 19th century, it cannot come back, and the Tea Party is a total disaster for the nation and its future!
To throw all the “rascals” out would make things worse, leading to total chaos and anarchy, as lack of experience and knowledge about government would condemn us to mediocrity and inferiority in the world!
What must be done is get rid of the Tea Party radicals and restore Congress to a status of cooperation with the President to deal with the crises we face in a sensible, sane fashion.! The last eight months of Tea Party influence should be enough to convince those who voted that direction the wrongs of their ways!
So the answer is to throw out those who are obstructionists, and support a Congress which is willing to work together for the advancement of America in the 21st century!