Day: September 18, 2011

Death Of One Of Last “Liberal” Republican Senators: Charles Percy Of Illinois

The era of “liberal” Republican senators, who were loyal to the party but crossed the aisle to work with Democrats, and had moderate views on most issues, is just about over, as the death of Charles Percy, who served three terms in the Senate from 1967-1985, was announced over the weekend.

Percy died at age 91 of Alzheimers Disease, which he had suffered for the past two years, according to family sources.

Percy, often seen as a possible Presidential candidate, might have run for the nomination in 1976, if President Gerald Ford had decided not to seek election, after replacing President Richard Nixon as a result of the Watergate scandal.

Percy served alongside other Liberal Republicans, including Jacob Javits, Clifford Case, Charles Mathias, and Mark Hatfield, all of whom passed away before him.

Percy served as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee under President Ronald Reagan, and spoke openly against President Richard Nixon in the time of Watergate.

He was not afraid to fight for his principles, and was highly respected by his colleagues.

His death reminds us of just how extreme his party has become, and one can only wish for a return to moderation some day by his party, when they regain their senses!

Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown Suggests Shared Sacrifice By Members Of Congress: Great Idea!

Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown has come up with a suggestion, followed up by a legislative proposal, that Congress demonstrate “shared sacrifice” by agreeing to cut their salaries and delay their pension benefits to age 66, as the ordinary citizen must wait to that age to collect Social Security.

Right now, if a member of Congress has served five years, he is entitled to a pension at age 62, and if he has served 20 years, he can collect at age 50, and if 25 years, can collect at any age.

Since the members of Congress earn $174,000 per year and receive a lot of perks, and in most cases are independently wealthy, this sounds like a great idea, as showing Congress understands what Americans are going through would help bring respect for Congress back to a higher level than the present 12 percent, an all time high disapproval level.

It is interesting that we find many Democrats have pushed such an idea, and that conservative Republicans seem opposed!

But should that be surprising? After all, it is conservatives who wish to protect the wealthy and corporations from paying their fair share of taxes, and love to talk about “class warfare”!

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton And Buyer’s Remorse

In the midst of all of the economic problems we face, new polls indicate “buyer’s remorse” among Democrats and the general public regarding the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency, instead of Hillary Clinton, in 2008.

Hillary Clinton has become the most popular public figure in America, but as her husband Bill Clinton says, it is because she is further away from politics, and is regarded as having done a fantastic job as Secretary of State.

This is a smart assessment of the situation, as one when looks back on the Bill Clinton Presidency, and remembers the vicious attacks on Hillary Clinton as First Lady by the Right, can one really believe that a President Hillary Clinton would be gaining any greater cooperation from Republicans in Congress, conservatives on Fox News Channel, or radio talk show hosts?

Hillary Clinton may have her fans and supporters, but to think of her as having an easy time uniting the nation, is to dwell in fantasy land.

We are actually better off with Hillary Clinton doing a superb job as Secretary of State, helping to promote a foreign policy that is, overall, one of the strong points of the Obama Presidency!

Something To Celebrate: 160 Years Of The New York Times!

Today marks the 160th anniversary of the best newspaper in the United States, the NEW YORK TIMES, born in 1851.

There is no better source of news in print form than the NEW YORK TIMES, absolutely essential for any historical research on any topic, as it is the only paper to have a complete index for all of its 160 years.

Despite rough times in the newspaper industry, with the advent of the internet, the NEW YORK TIMES in print and online remains the prime source in foreign policy and domestic policy, and covers news of all kinds in much greater depth than any other media source.

Among newspapers, only the WASHINGTON POST comes close to the coverage of the NEW YORK TIMES, and the two together with CNN make for a triumvirate of the best coverage of news in the United States.

Many conservatives might attack all three media sources, but they have never been able to match them in thoroughness, quality, accuracy, and important insights on all types of topics.

America is a better nation because of the NEW YORK TIMES and the other two media sources mentioned, but there is, of course, always room for improvement.

What is clear is that without the NY TIMES, the author would not have accomplished what he has done professionally, and would not be as well informed as he would like to feel he is!