Day: December 4, 2011

Four “McCain” States Which Could Be Won By Barack Obama In 2012

A lot of attention is being given to the idea that President Barack Obama could lose some of the “swing states” that he won in the Presidential Election of 2008–including Virginia, North Carolina and Florida in the South; New Hampshire and Pennsylvania in the Northeast; Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota in the Midwest; and Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada in the Mountain West.

While it is true that he could lose some of these states, what is less recognized and talked about is the potential for Barack Obama to win FOUR states which went to John McCain–Georgia with 16 electoral votes, Missouri with 10 electoral votes, Arizona with 11 electoral votes, and Texas with 38 electoral votes–therefore a possible total of 75 electoral votes!

This is not saying Obama is certain to win any of the four states listed above, but it is POSSIBLE, primarily because of the growing Hispanic and Latino population in Georgia, Arizona and Texas, and because Missouri was lost by only about 4,000 votes! Missouri is the state which has always gone with the winner in Presidential elections since 1900, with only two exceptions–1956 when Adlai Stevenson defeated President Eisenhower by about 4,000 votes, and then in 2008 when Senator John McCain also won by about 4,000 votes over President Obama!

The odds would seem better in Missouri first and Georgia second, much less likely in Arizona, and a long shot in Texas. Certainly, in theory, these states are much more likely to go Democratic in future years, as the Republicans are losing the future with their anti immigrant philosophy and rhetoric.

So the Presidential Election of 2012 has not only FOURTEEN states as “swing states”, but also possibly another FOUR, making it a total of EIGHTEEN states which will be the focus of most of the political campaigning and advertising over the next eleven months!

The Growing Surge Of Newt Gingrich, And The Growing Likelihood Of Independent Presidential Candidacies Of Ron Paul And Jon Huntsman!

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich looks more than ever the likely Republican nominee for President as a result of recent events and likely scenarios.

He received the endorsement of the Manchester Union Leader in New Hampshire.

He received the backing of two major Iowa newspapers this week.

It is thought likely, with the removal of Herman Cain from the race, that Gingrich will receive most of his support.

It is also thought likely that Cain will endorse Gingrich before the Iowa caucuses.

It is also likely that Donald Trump will endorse Gingrich after the December 27 debate to be moderated by Trump.

And Gingrich is ahead in the Iowa polls, and if he wins that race, we may see some of the other candidates withdraw, and it seems certain that such candidates as Rick Santorum, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann would prefer Gingrich over Mitt Romney as the GOP nominee, and would endorse him.

Only Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman would be unlikely to back Gingrich, and both might be considering third party or independent runs for the White House.

Interestingly, ONLY Paul and Huntsman are refusing to take part in the charade, the circus, the farce known as the Trump debate on December 27. This says a lot about the GOP race, that only these two men can really be seen as principled and consistent in their views, whether one likes them or not! They are not going to spend time flattering the ego of Donald Trump!