Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is clearly ahead in many public opinion polls for the Republican Presidential nomination, and contends he can “unite” America! Is there any more ridiculous assertion than that from the original Congressional “flame thrower”?
Newt has made his career on dividing people, using nasty tactics, a “taking no prisoners” approach, a master of deception and duplicity, issuing reckless statements, advocating unethical and illegal ideas, and fooling people when he actually practices what he preaches!
Ask those who were part of the Republican Revolution of 1994, when Gingrich led the GOP into House control, as to whether they support their former leader and comrade, and you then know how much they became disillusioned with him, and brought ethics violations against him in 1998, and forced him out as Speaker of the House after a tumultuous four years.
Ask those who know him best as to his hypocrisy, and willingness to sacrifice anyone in his mad quest for attention and power, and you discover he has few friends in the political establishment.
As President, he would be full of ideas and talk more to the people than anyone in modern Presidential history, but he would very quickly be seen as abusing his powers as President, alienate Congress even if it was a Republican majority, engage us in multiple foreign wars as George W. Bush did, expand federal authority over our lives in social terms and eavesdropping, and make the Supreme Court so right wing that it would be a hopeless situation for anyone who is not rich and powerful, for the next thirty years!
Newt Gingrich may be engaging personally, but he is obnoxious, egotistical, narcissistic, infuriating, and dangerous to the reputation of the Presidency, and the civil liberties and civil rights of the American people!
He must be stopped at all costs as a threat to America’s image in the world and to our own self image. He would be worse than Richard Nixon, although in some ways, he resembles the former President in tactics and mentality!