300 Days To The Presidential Election: “Hell” Ahead For Mitt Romney!

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney may have won the New Hampshire Primary decisively, but that does not mean that he is going to sail to the GOP Presidential nomination anytime soon.

Witness the following facts:

1. Ron Paul ended up a strong second, and will be a problem for Romney all the way to the Republican convention in late August, and possibly beyond, as he may very well run on the Libertarian Party line, drawing together those who want a radical cutback in the federal government and withdrawal of military forces from overseas engagements.

2. Jon Huntsman ended up a strong third in the primary, and is now emboldened to go after Romney, with the possibility of gaining those who do not like Romney personally, and his flip flop reputation, and want an alternative who can appeal to Independents, moderates, and unhappy Democrats.

3. Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry will continue to challenge Romney as a phony conservative, and sustain their attack on his connections to Bain Capital.

4. Rick Santorum will continue to work to gain the social conservative vote, making him a real threat on those issues.

5. The Tea Party Movement, particularly in South Carolina at the moment, will not accept Romney, and want a true alternative to a man they consider a moderate, not a conservative.

6. Romney will have lots of ammunition employed against him by the Barack Obama campaign, utilizing Romney’s actions and statements, often contradictory in nature, and portraying him as not able to relate to the poor or middle class, due to his extreme level of personal wealth.

So Mitt Romney faces a series of major challenges that might impede his road to the White House!

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