Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley: The Man To Watch For 2016

Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O’Malley, who has been successful as Mayor of Baltimore and Governor, is actively campaigning for Barack Obama, and is one of his best surrogates.

Already having bested Virginia Republican Governor Bob McDonnell in a debate a few months ago, O’Malley was on Meet The Press this morning, and debating former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, no easy challenge as a debater.

O’Malley again performed very well, and came across as cool, calm, and collected in his defense of President Obama, and critical in a respectful way of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, the Republican Presidential nominee.

Realize that IF Romney were to be elected this year, O’Malley could very well be his opponent in 2016!

But even if Obama is re-elected, it is clear that O’Malley plans to run for President in 2016, and has been doing the legwork required at this distant point from 2016.

O’Malley, however, when asked about running in 2016, said he was not thinking that far ahead, even when David Gregory asked if he was waiting to see if Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or Vice President Joe Biden would end up declaring for the nomination.

That is a smart tack to take at this early point, but the reality is that the battle for 2016 in the Democratic Party could be between the “Old Timers”, Clinton and Biden, and the “Newcomers”, the younger generation, including O’Malley and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

2 comments on “Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley: The Man To Watch For 2016

  1. Engineer of Knowledge May 27, 2012 11:56 am

    Hello Professor,
    As a citizen of Maryland, I can speak to the merits of Governor O’Malley. One of the co-authors of a blog I contribute to known as “Laci the Dog,” took law classes at the University of Maryland with O’Malley before he became the Governor.

    Laci was an officer in the British Army but was stationed in Washington D.C. for a while and he obtained his Law Degree at the University of Maryland.

    The site I mentioned has the international flair of those writing and speaking from Britain, France, Mid-Atlantic, upper Ohio and Gulf Coast South. Two retired History Professors from the University of Toledo, one Applied Science Engineer, one Lawyer, and one retired American in the Bordeaux wine region of France. We have an international finger of the pulse of the western world.

    As one of the up and coming in the Democratic Party, O’Malley has the potential of becoming one of the leading voices within the Democratic Party after paying his dues with respect to those ahead. He would make a good Presidential Candidate in 2016 and would have this Moderate Republican’s support.

  2. Ronald May 27, 2012 12:35 pm

    I am encouraged by your endorsement of Martin O’Malley, as he has greatly impressed me over the past few months to a year.

    I thank you for your informing me of the website you write on, which is very impressive!

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