Donald Trump, the real estate magnate, who has been bankrupt a few times,.and is no genius, just lucky to have been born to wealth, is really hurting Mitt Romney, another person who while brighter than Trump is not a genius either, just lucky to have been born to wealth!
It is time for respectable news media to boycott Trump, who is just a publicity hound, and claims his opinions are facts, regarding Barack Obama’s birth, when in fact, they are simply opinions, not based on fact! This “Birther” mythology must be retired by the media, by simply refusing to give any time or space to this man who needs a psychiatric examination, as do those who agree with his idiotic assertions about our President!
If Obama was white, this would not be happening, and no matter what Trump and other “Birthers” say, they are simply racists all the way!
We have heard enough from this moron, and if Mitt Romney chooses to associate with this nutcake, then the American people have yet another reason to repudiate him soundly in November!
They deserve each other:
Great Cartoon! 🙂