Now that Mitt Romney has become the official GOP Presidential candidate, another barrier has been broken in Presidential contests.
As the first Mormon Presidential candidate, Romney has accomplished what one could call a “civil rights moment”.
We have had to wait a long time for new attitudes to develop, but we have so far accomplished the following:
1928–first Catholic nominee for President, Al Smith.
1928–first Quaker President elected, Herbert Hoover
1928–first Native American Vice President elected, Charles Curtis
1960–first Catholic President elected, John F. Kennedy
1968–first Catholic Vice Presidential candidate, Edmund Muskie
1984–first woman Vice Presidential candidate, Geraldine Ferraro
2000–first Jewish Vice Presidential candidate, Joe Lieberman
2008–first African American President elected, Barack Obama
2008–first Catholic Vice President elected, Joe Biden
And notice that with the exceptions of Hoover, Curtis and Romney, all of the “firsts” were by the Democratic Party, NOT the Republican Party!
If he keeps up his association with “The Donald” , you can also drop the r from Mormon.
HAHA! Actually, you meant to say to drop the second “m”, making Romney a “Moron”!
Ron, correct. Thus, you can see that I am an expert on morons, personally lapsing into one most of the time ; )
Paul, you are obviously a very level headed person who can make fun of himself!