Rush Limbaugh’s Attack On Government, Media, Academia, And Science: The Promotion Of “Know Nothingism”!

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, the largest, in all ways, of windbags, who loves to divide America, on the road to further enrichment of his massive fortune, is at it again, but what else is new?

Limbaugh now claims that America has four enemies within its midst: the federal government, the news media, the academic community, and the field of science!

Limbaugh has no problem with the hypocrisy of organized religion; the corruption of Wall Street and the massive corporate influence; the massive rise in the national debt under George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and others in the past three decades; and the tremendous costs of constant warfare overseas in the past decade, and its effect on military personnel’s physical and mental health.

Limbaugh is disturbed if the government does anything to deal with the disaster visited upon the middle class and the poor by the events of the past decade. He is also upset that the news media have the gall to expose the evils and problems that exist, due to the deleterious influence of the Republicans in the past ten years. Of course, academia is seen as evil because it actually promotes knowledge, learning, interpretation, analysis, thinking–all characteristics which Rush Limbaugh lacks! And rather than look at science as something to be respected, instead Rush promotes corporate greed which undermines the future of our environment and planet long term.

Rush Limbaugh is an extremely obscene individual who revels in promotion of ignorance, prejudice, narrow mindedness and hatred, and is only out for his own aggrandizement! When will his audience wake up and realize the truth, and that he has no concern for those who listen to him, except to glorify his own ego and enhance his own fortune?

Will people ever learn and see the truth? One would hope so!

4 comments on “Rush Limbaugh’s Attack On Government, Media, Academia, And Science: The Promotion Of “Know Nothingism”!

  1. Engineer of Knowledge June 16, 2012 7:04 pm

    Hello Professor,
    Oh what a topic and one close to my own vengeances. I used the word “vengeance” because of my personal experiences with the “Nihilistic Right” pertaining to Man’s Effect on Climate Change / Global Warming due to the Carbon Dioxide increase in the upper atmosphere. The propagated ignorance claiming “the science is just a lie perpetrated by environmentalist” is just flat out incorrect and a person with basic Chemistry 101 can follow the proof.

    Of course the Ultra Conservative Right who listens to Propaganda Blowhard Radio will mindless repeat what they have been programmed to say that, “There is no scientific evidence or that there is still many who proclaim that this is not accurate or true.”

    Bottom line this group reflecting this attitude does not have the scientific background nor education to even know what proper questions that need to be asked to apply “Critical Thinking” in this aspect.

    As many know, I have an Applied Science / Mechanical – Electrical Engineering background with my education. When confronted by one of those claiming many inaccurate statements such as, “Well volcanoes are responsible of projecting more Carbon Dioxide (it would really be Carbon Monoxide but that is not what the sources they listen to say) into the atmosphere than man has ever done, or there is no proof that man is responsible for the Carbon Dioxide increase,” I simply ask, “What Carbon Atom are we talking about, C6, C12, C13, C14,….C60?” I just get a blank look of confusion as they have no clue even of what I have just asked them.

    For the education and arming the talking points of those who look for the truth in this aspect, I will pass on what I have just asked this person.

    You and your readers can respond to those whom have no clue through their wanted ignorance so all can get this silly argument stopped. C6 is the basic Carbon found on the periodic table, C12 is the inorganic Carbon that a volcano produces, C13 is the degraded C14 Organic Carbon Atom and is used in “Carbon Dating” organic relics for their age based on the amount of the decayed C13 Carbon Atoms found, and C14 is the Organic Carbon Atom that is within all organic materials, (Plants, Trees, Coal, Peat, Natural Gas, Oil, Gasoline, etc,….any thing that had life at one time or another). Anytime you burn / transform any of these hydrocarbon fuels, the byproduct is Carbon Monoxide. (the gas that a person dies of when they sit in a car closed in a garage to commit suicide or accidentally as a malfunctioning space heater)

    When the Carbon Monoxide rises into the upper atmosphere, the Carbon is still the C14 organic signature atom. Ozone, O3, is a very weak electromagnetic bonded molecule and the radiation from the sun can split this compound. You now have O2, Oxygen, with a free Oxygen atom flouting around and it will be picked up through the electromagnetic attractions of the Carbon Monoxide. You now have Carbon Dioxide green house gas….and it is still an Organic Signature Carbon Atom.

    Thus fore the Carbon in the increased levels of Carbon Dioxide green house gasses originated from the Burning of Hydrocarbon Fuels which are Organic Carbon C14. This is where the proof of Man Made Global Warming / Climate Change is from Burning Forest, or burning any Hydrocarbon Fuels such as we have done at the levels for over 150 years….all have the Organic Carbon Signature, C14.

    I would reiterate that even according to his mother, “He flunked everything” including “Ballroom Dancing.” Yes, Rush Limbaugh smoked so much dope that he flunked out of college, but yet he poses himself as being a “Climate Specialist” countering those who have their real “Science Degrees.”

    The amazing aspect to me is that there are enough of those with “Willing Ignorance” to tolerate his insanity hatred but at the same time overlook, even making enabling apologies to his convicted drug excesses that keeps him on the air.

    Thank you for allowing me to vent on this matter and I do hope it helps those who seek truth, accuracy, and enlightenment.

  2. Engineer of Knowledge June 16, 2012 7:10 pm

    Hello Professor,
    A follow up thought. Isn’t there an old adage “that if you repeat a lie long enough with enough frequency, that it will take on some semblance of truth”?

    Well here in lies the secret of the success for Rush Limbaugh.

  3. Ronald June 17, 2012 1:31 am

    Thanks so much for your detailed explanation of carbon and climate change, and I am sure it will enlighten those who wish to keep an open mind and accept the significance of science.

    The Big Lie technique is utilized constantly by the Republican Party, who appeals to ignorant people who have no problem accepting religious doctrine without skepticism, but are unwilling to look at the reality of science.

    I hate to point this out, but the genius of the Big Lie technique was Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany!

    Enough said! 🙁

  4. Engineer of Knowledge June 17, 2012 9:05 am

    Yes, during the Nazi era it was referred to the new science of “Propaganda.”

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