President Barack Obama has been subjected to more character assassination and signs of disrespect than any President in history!
Sure, there have been strong attacks against many other Presidents, without a doubt!
But the level of disrespect is reaching fever pitch recently!
Most recently, a conservative journalist rudely interrupted the President’s announcement of a change in policy on undocumented immigrant youths under 30, and the journalist would not stop his bitter attack on what Obama was saying! Obama was much too nice to this excuse for a journalist, and the man should be barred from future news events at the White House as a result, but probably will not suffer such treatment!
Now, an exhibit at the Montana State Republican convention shows a building said to be the Obama Presidential Library, with a bullet hole through the structure, a very disturbing event that should be repudiated by all Republicans everywhere, but assuredly will not be condemned, and will be ignored by major Republican leaders entirely!
Earlier such events included Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina interrupting President Obama as he gave a State of the Union Address; and Arizona Governor Jan Brewer pointing a finger at Obama as she met him in the Phoenix airport!
All of this behavior is totally unacceptable, and degrades the sense of respect for the office of the Presidency, and since there will be Republicans in the Oval Office in the future, there is a need to stop such behavior immediately and condemn it wholeheartedly when it occurs!
Am in total agreement Professor. I find times, fearful.. Talk me down here…I sometimes wonder at the pure desperate behavior of the right wingers and am acutely aware that there are violent, dangerous people out there who would be more than happy to follow through with physical harm to our President. I honestly believe the repub party went insane the day President Obama was elected and they have driven the clowncar over the edge into the dark abyss.
I have prayed for President Obama every day, hoping he would not become another JFK, slain in the prime of his life!
That is just false. Lack of respect for the office of the presidency? In the interest of time, we provide but a few reminders from the “distant” past:
“George W. Bush is our Bull Connor,” said Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., comparing Bush to the Southern lawman who turned dogs and water hoses on civil rights marchers during the ’60s.
“Bush is an incompetent leader,” said then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “In fact, he’s not a leader. He’s a person who has no judgment, no experience and no knowledge of the subjects that he has to decide upon.”
Sen. (then-candidate) Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.: After Hurricane Katrina, President Bush “let people die on rooftops in New Orleans because they were poor and because they were black.”
“I sometimes feel that Alfred E. Neuman is in charge in Washington,” said then-Sen. Hillary Clinton, referring to the dimwitted icon of Mad magazine. She even used Neuman’s catchphrase, “What, me worry?” to describe how Bush handled tough issues.
Democratic Sen. (and then-Minority Leader) Harry Reid of Nevada called Bush a “loser” and a “liar.” Reid apologized for the “loser” comment, but “liar” stood.
Etc., etc.