Month: June 2012

The Emerging Campaign For Condoleezza Rice For Vice President

Former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice is rapidly emerging in political discussion as a leading candidate for Vice President with Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Rice attended the Republican gathering of top advisers, leaders, and campaign contributors in Utah this past weekend, and it was said that Rice’s speech electrified the gathering.

Condoleezza Rice is very much respected for her foreign policy experience and expertise, and Mitt Romney desperately needs a heavy hitter in foreign policy. One can imagine a very exciting debate between Rice and Vice President Joe Biden, himself a foreign policy specialist in his background and experience.

Rice is also very intelligent, and being African American and a woman, would make her very appealing, although it would not mean that either group would swing to Romney in the election coming up this fall.

Rice is a non politician, who has never run for public office, and if she ran with Romney, the two together would have the least elective experience of any Presidential team in many decades, not a good thing, since Romney only has one term as Governor of Massachusetts.

Rice running would also bring up the skeletons of the George W. Bush Administration, also not a plus.

Also, Rice is a social moderate, and has supported gay rights and abortion rights in the past, so the religious Right would have problems with her in those regards.

It is quite clear that Rice seems to have no interest in running, and unlikely she would be asked, but if one was to look simply at who would be the best person to serve in the office of Vice President of the many mentioned–Chris Christie, Bob McDonnell, Paul Ryan, John Thune, Rob Portman, Tim Pawlenty–, Condoleezza Rice would be the best Vice President on pure qualifications.

But don’t hold your breath that she will run, or become Vice President under President Romney, as the chances of his winning the White House are not good, and not getting any better!

Trying To Decipher The “Republican” Brain: Crazy, Lacking In Reality And Ethics

Republicans used to be a reputable major political party, and have a lot to be proud of in their history of 158 years.

But there is little to be proud of in 2012, as Republicans seem to have lost their minds, their ethics, their morality, their ability to understand reality!

How else to explain the following:

A vast majority of Republicans believe Barack Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, is a Socialist, a Fascist, a Communist, and wishes to destroy America.

The deficit issue began with Barack Obama, ignoring $2 trillion investment in failed wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and $1.3 trillion in tax cuts to the top two percent of the population under George W. Bush.

The Federal budget can be balanced with only program cuts, not tax increases ever again.

Global warming is a hoax, and evolution is just a theory, and God will always protect all of us from harm from the climate, and mankind walked the earth alongside dinosaurs.

Iraq caused September 11, and we found Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

Since there is no body, how do we know that Osama Bin Laden was really killed by US Navy Seals?

Contraception is evil, and knowledge to adolescents about sex is evil, and it is all a plot to promote gay sex and abortions.

All Hispanics and Latinos are illegal immigrants, and they are all criminal elements that must be deported en masse.

Barack Obama is easily the most corrupt President we have ever had in American history, including Richard Nixon, and George W. Bush.

The collapse of Wall Street in 2008 was due to too much regulation, and was caused by Democrats and liberals.

The entire New Deal and Great Society is unconstitutional, and needs to be repealed, and return us to the days of states rights, instead of a powerful national government.

America was designed to be a theocracy, and we are a Christian Republic, and if we follow Jesus Christ, we will be just fine.

Science is atheism, and should be dismissed as propaganda to turn America away from God and Jesus Christ.

The list goes on, but this is enough to tell any sane person that the GOP has gone amuck in its craziness about the real world we live in!

The John Roberts Legacy Hanging On Tenterhooks As Health Care Decision Nears!

Chief Justice John Roberts is reported to be writing the majority opinion for Thursday’s Health Care decision on “ObamaCare”.

Coming on top of his siding with Anthony Kennedy and three liberals on the Court on the immigration case, many observers sense that he and Kennedy will again be in the majority with the four liberals on the Court, and decide in favor of “ObamaCare”.

If Roberts does so, it will transform him immediately into one of the giants of the 17 Chief Justices of the Supreme Court historically.

If he does not do so, he is doomed to a negative role in judicial history, and will be seen by many observers as a failure as a Chief Justice.

The choice is that stark, as this case is the most important since Bush V. Gore, and follows the disastrous Citizens United Case, tragically upheld again yesterday in a Montana case on straight party line and ideology.

Roberts’ reputation is already in trouble, but could be resurrected by an open minded attitude toward health care as covered under the interstate commerce clause.

Roberts, it is said, worries about his and the Court’s reputation, and even if he serves another 20 years, he will never outlive the disappointment and turmoil that will occur if the Court rejects “ObamaCare”.

Since he seems to be a strong believer in federal power, as shown yesterday in the immigration case and the juvenile murderer case, we expect him to come down on the right of the federal government to regulate health care, and require a mandate, a demand that all citizens have health care coverage, if they wish to gain health care when needed, rather than sponging off those of us who have paid for health care.

The actual mandate would be the equivalent of about $15 a week, equivalent of one person having one meal per week at a restaurant, or half a tank of gasoline. Is this too much to ask of all citizens? The answer is NO!

Chief Justice Roberts: We are watching you!

Downsizing, Outsourcing, Offshoring: Mitt Romney’s Economic Plan!

Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney loves to say he KNOWS how to run an economy and create jobs, but his record in Massachusetts as Governor from 2003-2007 shows otherwise, with one of the worst economic records as chief executive of that state.

Better to look at his record as the head of Bain Capital, where he was able to multiply his wealth to a quarter of a billion dollars by downsizing companies, outsourcing jobs, or what Romney calls offshoring jobs to other countries, and not giving a whit about the effect on thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of workers in various industries and companies.

Mitt Romney reminds many of their “boss”, and no one likes their “boss” enough to vote for him to do to America what he did in private enterprise.

The Obama campaign is exploiting this matter for all it is worth, and it is a deadly blow to the Romney campaign, as we do not want another Herbert Hoover, who was so rich and uncaring that he multiplied the disaster of the crash on Wall Street in 1929, bringing us Franklin D. Roosevelt!

A Slap From The Supreme Court To Arizona Governor Jan Brewer And Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Well Deserved!

The Supreme Court decision today on the Arizona immigration law was a major slap in the face of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Sheriff Joe Arpaio, along with the other pure racists in Arizona government in the Republican Party.

How different is Jan Brewer from Alabama Governor George Wallace fifty years ago?

How different is Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Birmingham, Alabama Police Chief Eugene “Bull” Connor fifty years ago?

The answer is very little, and both will be condemned in the history books, and rightfully!

What is hoped will happen is that the Hispanic vote in Arizona, growing by leaps and bounds, joins with other liberal and progressive forces, and kicks the GOP out of state power and in Congress as soon as possible!

The Republicans are doomed in Arizona long term, and there is no greater justice than that!

And Alabama’s immigration law is also doomed, another slap in the face of that state government which was racist in the 1960s, and sadly is today, but appropriately disciplined by the Supreme Court!

A Reminder: The Supreme Court Determines The Future!

WIth the Supreme Court term about to end on Thursday, and all of the tumult about the upcoming decision on the Affordable Care Act, and the decisions today on immigration, corporate spending in campaigns, and juvenile sentencing for life terms for murder fresh on one’s mind, it is again important to remember what most Americans don’t even know or realize: The Supreme Court determines the future, more than any part of American government!

A lifetime job, with total freedom to say and do what one wants, is a great power, and we are now suffering from the reality that Ronald Reagan may be dead for eight years, but two of his appointments to the Court (Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy) are still dictating much of what happens in America; George H. W. Bush’s appointee, Clarence Thomas, is not going away anytime soon; and George W. Bush’s two appointments, Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito, will be around for at least two more decades on the Court, assuming good health!

And now with Scalia and Kennedy being 76, and Clinton appointees Ruth Bader Ginsberg being 79 and Stephen Breyer being 73, it is certain that one to four appointments are likely to be made by the winner of the 2012 election.

Can we afford President Romney shaping a Court that will be to the “right of Attila the Hun?”

It would destroy the chance for fairness, equity, humanity on the Court, and would continue the corporate conquest of American government going on with the Citizens United case, and the new Montana case just decided, that reaffirmed that earlier, disgraceful, decision!

It cannot be emphasized enough that NOTHING matters more than the Supreme Court and the federal circuit judges in this upcoming Presidential election! Economic policy and foreign policy are much less significant than constitutional law!

Obama and his supporters NEED to bring up this issue regularly, and never stop referring to it, with the hope that it will penetrate the brains of the American people!

Justice Anthony Kennedy Still The Key Vote On Supreme Court: 2 Positives, 1 Negative!

Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy is still the key vote on the Supreme Court, and today batted 2 for 3!

He was part of the majority on the Arizona immigration law, with three out of four of the provisions of that law overturned, but still allowing police officers to check the status of people they stop for any violations.

He was also on the majority side on a case that gave juvenile murderers the possibility of parole from a life sentence.

He was on the wrong side of a Montana case designed to reverse the Citizens United case, a tragic development!

But two out of three is quite good, and there is still hope that he may be in the majority, maybe along with Chief Justice John Roberts, on the Obama Health Care law, when the Supreme Court announces its decision on Thursday, June 28.

The fact that Chief Justice Roberts joined Kennedy in the majority in the immigration case, with Justice Elena Kagan recusing herself because she had been Solicitor General during the time of the passage of the Arizona law, was encouraging to make people believe he might join Kennedy in the majority on the health care legislation. We shall see in three days!

So far, quite good!

The Calm Before The Storm

If one is a proud progressive or liberal, as this blogger is, it is hard not to be squirming today as one contemplates the likelihood of two major setbacks for the progressive movement in America this week from the United States Supreme Court.

The majority of experts and prognosticators forecast a 5-4 vote against the Affordable Care Act and for the Arizona immigration law restrictions.

Both such events would be terrible setbacks, and hard to overcome in the short run for sure, and probably in the long run as well.

Some say a defeat on the Obama Health Care law would lead ultimately to Medicare for all within a couple of years, and that defeat on the Arizona SB 1070 would lead to comprehensive immigration reform within two years, as well.

But all that only seems possible IF the Democrats win both houses of Congress and the Presidency again in November.

The theory is that two defeats administered by the right wing Supreme Court by 5-4 margins, on top of the Citizens United case and the Bush V. Gore case of twelve years ago would so galvanize the American people, who are progressives, to organize, unify, vote en masse to promote the necessary changes.

But when one considers the great edge financially that the right wing has with billionaires ready to spend hundreds of millions of dollars individually to back Mitt Romney and the Republican Party in Congress, including the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson among others, one has to wonder if even such organization and unity and discipline by progressives will be enough, particularly when added to the active campaigns of Republican Governors to purge the voting rolls, and defy the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

One can hope for the best on all fronts, but it is hard not to be pessimistic and a bit depressed on this Sunday before the storm likely to erupt this week, by a one vote margin created by the outrage of George W. Bush being selected President over Al Gore a dozen years ago, and still reverberating in 2012 and, likely, beyond!

Reflections On Karen Klein, Bullying, And Mitt Romney

A 68 year old grandmother, Karen Klein, in Rochester, New York, who has a part time job as a bus monitor on a bus with middle school students, was horribly abused by four 12-14 year old “bullies”, four jerks who need to be appropriately punished for their cursing and ridiculing of this adult, this senior citizen, who was there to protect them, and deserved proper respect and regard.

The bus on which this horrific incident occurred had a taping system, as likely all school buses now have, due to many examples of student abuse on each other, let alone on the bus driver or other adults supervising the buses of school systems throughout America.

One would think these jerks would realize they are being taped, which shows just how dumb and stupid they really are.

But the question is what is the appropriate punishment for this kind of behavior? Certainly, physical punishment is inappropriate, particularly at their age of 12-14, and would only teach that violence is used to punish wrongdoing.

What seems appropriate is to take away cell phones, computers, and play stations for a period of months; to take these jerks into a prison to show them what happens when one breaks the law; and to make them do community service for 90 hours each this summer; after writing letters of apology and meeting with Karen Klein in person to express their sorrow and apologies.

Having said that about the young boys involved, the question arises what should be done with the more than half a million dollars raised on the internet for Karen Klein, in order to send her on a “vacation”.

It is stunning that so much money could be raised, but it would be totally inappropriate for Karen Klein to keep all the money. Instead, she should keep maybe $5,000 for a “vacation”, and donate the rest to a good cause, such as providing funding for children who need life saving surgery and cannot raise that money, a regular occurrence, or providing extra funding for the Rochester, NY public schools so they can retain a few more teachers and counselors for their students in the upcoming academic year.

And then, there is another element to be considered here, too easily dismissed recently, and that is Republican nominee Mitt Romney, who acted as a “bully”, in a way actually more destructive than what these jerks did in Rochester, NY.

To have bullied a potentially gay student fifty years ago, to the point of having Romney lead a gang of boys who held a kid down, and forcibly cut his hair, is assault, and seems to have had a deleterious effect on this young man, who has since passed away, and seems to have been poorly accomplished in the rest of his life, with no way to know for sure what effect that incident had on his psyche. Romney was not 12-14 years old at the time, but rather 16 or 17 and should have known better, and he never paid the price for his bullying.

This reminds us of the issue of character, and to say he was only a “kid” is not an acceptable excuse, as Mitt Romney grew up to be a symbolic “bully” in the business world, and has an attitude of cockiness and arrogance that has remained with him in the last half century!

Mitt Romney should not be rewarded with the Presidency for his behavior back then, anymore than these jerks now should be treated with excuses now!

40th Anniversary Of Title IX Of Education Amendments Act, Promoting Equality Of Women In Sports In All Educational Institutions

Forty years ago today, during the Nixon Administration, the Congress passed Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, ending discrimination in all educational institutions based upon gender, and specifically promoting sports competition for women.

This was an important victory for women’s rights, and gave women athletes the opportunity to compete on the same level as men.

In the age of feminism which was emerging, this was an important victory to promote the idea that women were to be treated equally with men under the laws of the United States.

This is an important moment to recall at a time when many Republicans are working to undermine the advancement of women’s rights in many different areas, and explains why women have as a group tended to vote as a majority for Democrats, as more likely to defend and expand their rights in the 21st century!