Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh has been the most vile member of the House, the most outrageous low life of all Tea Party Republicans!
This is a man who owes back child support to his divorced wife and children!
This is a man who has attacked Barack Obama in the most vile manner consistently in the past two years!
This is a man who has constantly screamed at and insulted constituents at meetings in his district, when they criticize his record in office!
This is the man now ridiculing his Democratic opponent, Tammy Duckworth, who lost both legs and use of one arm in an explosion in Iraq. He complains that she talks about her sacrifice, and that her war service and loss of limbs does not justify her campaign for Congress!
This has led to a firestorm of protest from veterans, Republican and Democrat, across the nation, outraged at what he is doing.
So it seems as if this man, a piece of crap, who never served in the military, will see a massive campaign against him nationwide, and he richly deserves to be kicked out of Congress, and immediately imprisoned if he does not pay all back child support instantly!