Eric Cantor: Promoting His Own Wealth Through Loophole In “Insider Trading” Legislation: A True Mark Of Corruption!

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is a true disgrace to the chamber he leads, and is a constant threat to the survival of Speaker John Boehner, should Boehner ever attempt in any way to “go off the reservation”!

Cantor, an extremely ambitious and ruthless politician, has been implicated in a scandal, although his party may not think that it is that, by inserting a loophole in the House version of the STOCK (Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge) Act, which is designed to prevent any advantage for members of Congress in stock market transactions because of “insider’ information available to that institution, and was passed in April, with the purpose of restoring faith in the Congress on the part of the American people.

The manipulation by Cantor was not made evident to its Senate sponsors, Republican Scott Brown of Massachusetts and Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, who were shocked to discover that Cantor had inserted an exception for spouses and children of Congressional members.

Now under fire, Cantor claims he is willing to make changes in the legislation, but had slipped in these corrupt exceptions with the clear hope of having no one notice it!

For this obvious transgression, Eric Cantor should face investigation and possible censure, but of course, it will not happen.

Still, John Boehner had better have “eagle eyes”, as there is nothing that Eric Cantor will NOT do to advance his own ambitions, and enrich his own pockets and fortune, at the expense of the American people!

2 comments on “Eric Cantor: Promoting His Own Wealth Through Loophole In “Insider Trading” Legislation: A True Mark Of Corruption!

  1. Paul Doyle July 22, 2012 3:09 pm

    Apparently he took his last name literally, except the choir is now coming back chanting a different tune.

  2. Maggie July 23, 2012 3:55 pm

    Where is the outrage? I can’t seem to find much. I realize we have much higher priorities with the tragedy in Colorado. Nothing matters more than the loss of lives and wounds that will go one for life times……My heart goes out to them.

    I have a sneaking hunch Canter is glad his dispicable scheme is not front page news… I believe everyone should write to their representative and demand that this be investigated. Had a Democrat done the same thing, the outrage would be heard all the way to the moon and back. Every dimwit on Faux would be ranting about it, of they would be blaming President Obama..

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