Victims Of Aurora, Colorado Massacre Also Unable To Afford Life Insurance Or Health Care Coverage In Many Cases, So Victimized In A Different Way!

Twelve people died in Aurora, Colorado, due to the insanity of James Holmes.

It is certain that many did not have life insurance, being young and not concerned about such things, and also unable to afford it, and now their funerals are a financial burden on their families.

Also, 58 people were wounded, many seriously, and it is certain that very few had health care coverage, so for those with severe wounds and lifetime disabilities, they will face a medical bill for life of millions of dollars, not able to be paid by them as things stand, but ruining their credit for life!

We have millions of Americans who mourn what happened in Colorado, but will we see the wealthiest among us volunteer, including Mitt Romney, to contribute to the health care costs and funeral costs of the victims?

The answer is most certainly NO, as those who are fortunate among us have no concern for anything but their mounting wealth, and to avoid taxes!

Why should they contribute to help the needy, when the Republican philosophy is to have no concern for those less fortunate?

This is the biggest scandal of all about this tragedy, and is another argument for the idea that ALL Americans should be entitled to health care, no matter what the cost, as health care should be an entitlement, not a privilege, for all!

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