Mitt Romney: The “Gutless Wonder”, Beholden To Wayne La Pierre, Grover Norquist, And Dick Cheney! Is This What We Want In Our President?

Mitt Romney refuses to come out squarely for ANYTHING, other than kowtowing to the extreme right of the Republican Party!

This man is a “Gutless Wonder”, not a man of courage and convictions, but simply a man who is afraid of his shadow, afraid to assert himself, afraid to tell the whacko elements of his party that they are wrong, and that he is not going to be beholden to them!

So he refuses to speak up for reasonable gun control policy; for reasonable tax policy; and for a foreign policy that has, as its main goal, avoidance of war unless it is totally unavoidable!

This man is a total coward, unwilling to show any principles, but just obsessed with the idea of having power, even though he has no conception of what he would do as President!

Based on his refusal to take a strong stand against extremist elements, one cannot have confidence that he would be tough and strong in any crisis with a tough opponent, whether domestic or foreign!

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