Paul Ryan As Potential Commander In Chief? Very Scary!

Wisconsin Republican Congressman Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential running mate, would be a heartbeat away from the Presidency if Romney became President.

That would be totally terrifying in so many ways!

Yes, Ryan is intelligent, unlike Sarah Palin. He is also, personally, very charming, but that is not all that important in a President!

Those are the only two points in his favor, if he is a heartbeat away from being Commander in Chief!

Ryan is arrogant, reckless, cocky, overly ideological, uncompromising, and inflexible, and those are NOT characteristics we need or want in a future President!

He would be the most ideological President in modern American history, and he would be a total disaster for the nation in both economic policy and foreign policy!

The idea that a Congressman, with his record of accomplishment, is qualified to be President is disturbing, and is part of a weird tendency of the Republican Party to select a person who represents one out of 435 Congressional districts to be a national leader.

Ryan follows William E. Miller in 1964, Jack Kemp in 1996, and Dick Cheney in 2000 in being in the Vice Presidential slot, and the one successful case, Cheney, is enough reason to be totally terrified at Ryan becoming Vice President!

Finally, Paul Ryan has very little experience in foreign policy, and would be a total unknown in that regard, but he voted for the Iraq War, and is against getting out of Afghanistan, and by his domestic record, including his proposed budget plan, would likely be a foreign policy “hawk”, going along with the neoconservatives, as he already goes along with the social conservatives on every issue!

18 comments on “Paul Ryan As Potential Commander In Chief? Very Scary!

  1. Smith August 13, 2012 2:29 pm

    As opposed to General Barack Obama?? lol

  2. Ronald August 13, 2012 4:11 pm

    Considering that President Obama was able to neutralize Osama Bin Laden, and that other Al Qaeda leaders have been eliminated, as well as Moammar Gaddafi, he has proved he can be Commander in Chief.

    Ryan has no record in foreign policy, except the desire to have no limit on defense spending, while cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. He has always voted for keeping troops endlessly in Iraq and Afghanistan, but has no expertise at all in foreign policy.

    Obama was on the Foreign Relations Committee as a Senator for four years.

    Therefore, it IS scary to have Ryan as Commander in Chief, while Obama has proves himself better at accomplishing goals than George W. Bush!

  3. pelajus August 13, 2012 5:58 pm

    “The idea that a Congressman, with his record of accomplishment, is qualified to be President is disturbing, and is part of a weird tendency of the Republican Party to select a person who represents one out of 435 Congressional districts to be a national leader.”

    Please, please, please!!! Do tell us what the Dear Obama’s record of accompliment was that qualified him to be President. Just what had he accomplished, O Progressive Professor!!

    (As if Progressive Professor were a unique designation! I be willing to bet your entire department is properly labelled “progressive.”

  4. Ronald August 13, 2012 6:04 pm

    Obama served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for four years, and was engaged in treaty negotiation on Russian nuclear weapons being made safe from terrorists with Republican Chairman Richard Lugar of Indiana, who had high respect for him.

    Also, he decided that Joe Biden, with his wealth of experience on the Foreign Relations Committee for 36 years, and Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, would supplement his weaknesses in this area.

    Romney has NO background in foreign affairs, and recruiting Paul Ryan adds nothing to their foreign policy expertise, except to bluster about being tough toward China, Russia, and Iran.

    Meanwhile, Obama has neutralized Osama Bin Laden and much of the Al Qaeda leadership. He has an exceptional record in national security, without blustering about it as Romney often does!

  5. Rod Trent August 13, 2012 7:19 pm

    “Ryan is arrogant, reckless, cocky, overly ideological, uncompromising, and inflexible, and those are NOT characteristics we need or want in a future President!”

    Wow…you just described President Obama.

  6. jarine666 August 13, 2012 9:00 pm

    What a bunch of commies you guys are. Ryan has no experience?? really..what the hell did Obummer have??? NONE..Ronald you must be blind as hell..obummer hasnt done a damn thing. and professor, your a libtard. I would never pay for my kids to listen to you professor. FAU sucks for allowing a POS like you to teach young kids.

  7. Gustavo August 13, 2012 9:26 pm

    I just happen to read a couple of your post and I never thought I would read something so despicable and low as the one you just wrote on Ryan. It is truly remarkable that a person of such low character and intelect as yourself is actually teaching at a credited university. I really feel sorry for the kids that go through your indoctrination course. Why you are so ignorant that you don’t even realize what you are doing , then again useful idiots never do.

  8. Ronald August 13, 2012 9:38 pm

    Being insulting only lowers your image to those who read this blog.

    You have no idea what communism is, and you have been sleeping for three and a half years if you think Obama has done nothing, except for a long list of accomplishments, with just one standing out–the elimination of Osama Bin Laden–to point out as a beginning of the discussion. If Bush had been able to do it, you would have been praising him to the skies, but if a person of darker skin does it, it is not an accomplishment according to you.

    I hope your children will open their minds to ideas outside of their parents, as that is the only way to be liberated from prejudice, sadly! Everyone needs to learn from others than family, if they are to be educated and open minded!

  9. Ronald August 13, 2012 9:45 pm

    Obama is certainly not reckless, uncompromising, or inflexible.

    You might think, Rod, that he is arrogant, cocky, and overly ideological, but that, while not the case, might be anyone’s reaction who fails to have an open mind, which seems to be the problem of a lot of people, because we have an African American President, and that infuriates many people–the gall that a black guy could actually be intelligent, smart, and be our President.

    If he was Barry Dunham, a white guy, the hate and narrow mindedness would be FAR less, and you know that is the case!

  10. Ronald August 13, 2012 9:52 pm

    Gustavo, I will have you know that I have sterling character and have been told I am quite intelligent, and have an earned PH. D.

    I do not indoctrinate, as in class, I do not promote my blog, but I do have the right, of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and therefore, the right to express myself, don’t I?

    You are describing yourself in the last paragraph, as you probably think Glenn Beck is someone to admire, even though he truly has indoctrinated many, while making millions!

    On the other hand, I do not make millions, but instead, open up the minds of students to their history and government, a much more important job than pontificating on radio and promoting hate and prejudice, as Beck and others like him do all of the time, while raking in millions!

  11. Gustavo August 14, 2012 9:51 am

    Ronald, First of all , what does Glenn Beck have anything to do with me? Second, I never said you had no right to express yourself. Why thats the good thing about freedom of expression, we all get to know who the fools are. Third, I really don’t care if you make millions or not, nor do I envy those who do. Fourth, concerning your sterling character, well franky it doesn’t seem like it when one reads your post. Also, congratulations for your intelligence and PH.D. I would also let you know, that I have 2 law degrees (one from Argentina and the other from the US), and an LLM. Also that I have taught for over 10 yrs Constitutional law in Buenos Aires, before returning to my home country, the US. I have lived abroad and therefore I know first hand the flesh and blood consequences of big government statist policies. I need no one from the conservative (or as I prefer to say “classic liberal”) side to explain to me the consequences nor do I need any progressive (modern liberal) to try to explain the contrary. As a matter of fact in my youth I was a bona fide progressive. I grew up with all the social justice, redistribution dogma and know it by heart. So when I read your blog I knew exactly where you are coming from and going. It just that it never ceases to amaze me that no matter where one is, no matter what country , no matter time and place, the tactics, the insults and the distorsion employed by those in the progressive movement are exactly the same and predictable. Finally, I really find it amusing that you accuse someone else of promoting hatred and prejudice while you are the one that seems to be doing the same thing.

  12. Ronald August 14, 2012 10:19 am

    Gustavo, I appreciate your forthrightness, and respect your accomplishments and education.

    I am not promoting hate and prejudice, just trying to give my insights into the dangers that I see in Paul Ryan being a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

    When you say progressives promote insults and distortion, I say what about the constant such insults and distortion by the conservative right against Barack Obama, more bitter attacks than any President in recent history has experienced?

    In other words, one can say both sides, sadly, utilize such tactics, and no one is listening to the other side. I am listening and deplore the direction the RIght is taking us to, or attempting to, as witnessed by the disastrous Republican leadership in Congress and in the states in the past two years.

    Thank you very much for your explanation and viewpoint. I greatly appreciate it!

  13. Gustavo August 14, 2012 10:58 am

    Ronald, Obama received more bitter attacks than any President in recent history has experienced? I think you forgot about the attacks George W Bush recieved. Or how about Reagan? I remember. And how about the media, always portraying conservatives as mean spirited. Really? I mean everytime I turn on CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and of course MSNBC, a moment doesn’t go by where I am personally insulted because of my beliefs. I am a Reagan conservative or classic liberal as I prefer, yet hardly a moment goes by on national tv in which I/we are not insulted. The aggression or insult can come from anywhere and when you least expect it, either in a sitcom, a cartoon be it “Family Guy”, a tv series or the nightly new. The portrayal is alway aggresive and insulting.

  14. Ronald August 14, 2012 11:39 am

    Gustavo, ALL Presidents are attacked, of course!

    BUT this President has had more personal attacks than any in modern times, as it is on his background, his religion, his race, etc, not just on his policies.

    And Talk Radio makes up nicely for conservatives, along with several major newspapers, who will not give Obama credit for ANYTHING, including his successes in national security!

    Fox News Channel is totally propaganda and lies, fed to those who hate Obama, and they encourage it all of the time!

  15. Gustavo August 14, 2012 12:00 pm

    We do not hate Obama, we just dislike his policies As a matter of fact I find more hateful and disdaining Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. He is the one who first declared, if I recall correctly, “And it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations,” . So who is attacking who? Regarding his race, I remind you he is half white. HIs religion, seriously??? I mean the fact that his pastor was Jeremiah Wrigth is not troubling? Personally I don’t think he has any religion, he just went to that church for political gains, that all. But just imagine if a Republican candidate (now that is stretching it) went to a church for 20 yrs, where the pastor rambles his hatred about america, and is a believe in the Theology of Liberation, which did so much damage in South America. Now more personal attacks than calling Bush ignorant and people wishing his death instead of Saddam Hussien, I find it hard to believe. Also have you seen MSNBC lately?Or NBC, ABC ? Talk about lies and hate!!! You talk about talk radio and Fox. But over 90% of the media is liberal, just a fact, they even admit it. Not only the news , but as I said , normal tv shows and even Hollywood movies always promote your views as established facts.

  16. Ronald August 14, 2012 12:08 pm

    YOU do not hate Obama, because you are decent and educated, but a very large percentage of less educated and less tolerant Americans HATE Obama and see him as black!

    What Obama said in 2008 sadly is true, even if you do not like hearing it

    It is troubling that Mitt Romney will not talk about his Mormon faith and the right wing views of that church in so many areas of policy.

    I never heard anyone who was reasonable wishing Bush’s death, and in fact, in class once or twice, when that was said, I made it clear that it was not acceptable to wish harm on our President, no matter who he is. And Bush certainly DID come across as ignorant, bragging that he did not read!

    I do not think if you really watch MSNBC or NBC or ABC that they promote lies or hate. They just attack what you believe in, but Fox News regularly tells lies and promotes hate, and its night time talk shows are despicable in their content.

    Of course, we are not going to agree, but at least we are having a civil discussion, which I deeply appreciate, and I commend you for that. We can agree to disagree, and still respect each other, so thanks!

  17. Gustavo August 14, 2012 12:36 pm

    Well you know, I actually do watch MSNBC, NBC and the rest. And I do realize they lie, or say half truth which is the same. I watch is as an experiment, as an intellectual exercise to measure and hear for myself the bias. MSNBC actually makes me laugh, they are so predictable. Ed Shultz is really the funniest. He seems so naive and at the same time such a bully. And I really miss Kieth, he was really prejudice and one sided. Mathews tries sometime to be centered but he just can’t help himself.And O’Donnell had the courage to admit he was a socialist on live TV. Well at least MSNBC clearly lets you know they have an agende. The rest like CNN, and the other 3 just lie about it, some I even believe don’t realize they are promoting an agenda, they just actually believe their world vision is the correct and only logical one. They are the only ones that care for humanity, the poor and the rest, climate included. If you dare think differently then you must be on the wrong side of history, you just have to be evil and you just got to hate. The funny tinkg is I really think people like Soledad O’Brien believes she is centered and objective.

  18. Heartbeat August 16, 2012 10:23 pm

    Scary for you maybe, but a welcome relief to the silent majority. Chick-Fil-A.

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