Paul Ryan is supposed to be the “Golden Boy” of the Republican Party, their best hope for the future!
Ryan emphasizes the idea that we must transform Medicare to a voucher system to “save” it, and that Social Security must be privatized, and Food Stamps and Medicaid eviscerated. But at the same time, he wishes to cut taxes dramatically for the top two percent, worse than the Bush tax cuts, and raise taxes on the average person!
And all this to “balance the budget” BY 2040, TWENTY EIGHT YEARS from now!
This is courage? This is “reform”? Give me a break!
Again, where does it state in his proposal that he wants to raise taxes on the middle class, or give a tax cut to the top 2%? Leaving the rates as they currently are is not a tax cut, its opposing a tax increase.
By the way, you know very well that if they don’t do away with baseline budgeting nothing will get solved. Baseline budgeting is an imorality.
Ryan wants to give massive tax cuts to the top two percent. This has not been said only by Democrats, but in the major newspapers, which are reliable more than Fox News Channel or Rush Limbaugh. And the budget would not be balanced for 28 years, so what is good about this “economic genius” plan for the future? Just to make life worse for the average person, while giving more to the rich and to defense spending!
OMG what major newspapers? Seriously I find it better to go to the source, that is read the bill!!! And I find nothing in it. Tax cut or just keep them as they are? Personally I would drop the top rate to 28%, as well as drop all the others more.
The NY TIMES and WASHINGTON POST and CNN are the best sources, and the bill has been changed, but both Ryan and Romney are on the defensive, because they realize what their plans are is unpopular. Ryan knows no one in their right mind wants vouchers, so is defensive!
And tax rates need to be raised as under Clinton, and it will lead to prosperity as it did in the 90s. Tax rates were very high under FDR, Ike, Nixon, and even Reagan as compared to now, and there is no reason after ten years of Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, which have led to the greatest stratification in history, to continue it, and certainly NOT to make them lower!