Romney “Victory” A Plus, As It Galvanizes Democrats And Progressives To The Struggle Ahead!

It is in a time of crisis that courage and principles are put to the test!

So last night’s “victory” by Mitt Romney in the Presidential debate with Barack Obama will have the effect of galvanizing Democrats and Progressives in recognizing the battle that is ahead of us!

More contributions are needed for the campaign; more efforts by volunteers are needed; more commitment to voting is essential; more spreading the word of Romney’s lies and deceptions are called for; and more faith in the decency and good intention of most people to do what is right is something we all have to believe!

The progress made under Barack Obama is under attack, but as with Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Bill Clinton, under attack by reactionary forces in the past, the battle has just begun!

6 comments on “Romney “Victory” A Plus, As It Galvanizes Democrats And Progressives To The Struggle Ahead!

  1. margaret mitchell October 4, 2012 5:17 pm

    Based on what we’ve seen we can certainly be confident the Republicansvare going to LIE! Last I read he told at least 27 bold face lies. As I’m sure many were feeling last night I wanted President Obama to yell..”Hold up there Bucko!! You’re lying thru your teeth and I can’t keep up with you!!” II did my share of whining to friends who helped talk me down…tx Prof! But after a good sleep and some reevaluation today I’ve concluded that Pres. Obama just may have the last laugh here. I’m not sure his performance last night was not part of a brilliant strategy. LET Romney reveal what he was going to be-extreme right..right of middle or moderate. I believe Obama also knew if he gave Romney enough rope and time. Romney would hang himself. Did he do that? YES! Listen to the fact checkers….whoa they have nailed Romney’s derriere to the wall detailing his lies which he spewed off as fast as an AR 16…giving fact checkers enough material to keep them busy for hours.
    Today in Madison Pres. OBAMA was on fire. Passionate.funny and all over the “Other Romney on the stage last night”!
    I could be wrong that this was a strategy rather than a failure of the Pres to call out all the lies….maybe. Consider though had Obama spent time calling him on all the lies Romney might have simmered way down and the true lying Etch a sketch flipflopper he is would not have been revealed so clearly. What do you think Professor?

    I recommend if you get a chance to see the video of Obama in Madison today…. it’s great!

  2. Ronald October 4, 2012 5:27 pm

    I think this makes a lot of sense!

  3. Ronald October 4, 2012 5:32 pm

    Yes, Maggie, I think it may have been strategy! And Romney has indeed be revealed for the liar he is!

  4. Ronald October 4, 2012 9:53 pm

    Thanks for this link!

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