The Pew Research Poll that came out yesterday is an alarming reminder that the Presidential Election Of 2012 is far from over, as Mitt Romney gained massively in many ways, and at least in this poll, is now ahead by 4 points over Barack Obama.
Is it time to panic? No, but it is a sign that Joe Biden MUST do well in the upcoming Vice Presidential debate against Paul Ryan on Thursday, and Obama MUST perform much better than his lackadaisical effort in the first Presidential debate last week, in the remaining two Presidential debates next week and the week after!.
Additionally, more effort must be made to demonstrate that Mitt Romney is a chameleon, which he most certainly is, and that one cannot trust that his sudden move to the middle is the true Romney, after a year of working hard to be considered, as he self described himself, as a “severe” conservative!
The Gallup daily tracking poll shows Obama ahead by five points, 50-45, as he was before the debate, which became a tie for two days after the debate, but then went back to its old numbers after the favorable jobs report on Friday.
It is clear that the polls are very volatile, and may reflect doubts by voters about who should be President, but a good performance by both Biden and Obama, along with accelerated efforts to show Romney as the liar that he is, is still likely to lead to the same result, with a majority of “swing” states in Obama’s camp, with only the need to win two to three of them to win the Electoral College majority.
More worrisome is how the Obama decline for now could affect House and Senate races, and possibly give the Republicans control of both houses of Congress in the worst scenario.
For these next four weeks, all those who want to insure an Obama and Democratic victory must put in gargantuan efforts to bring about the desired result!
The pew poll is an outlier. It contains more republicans than democrats vs, the previous poll. Gallup is probably closer, but tends to skew a little to the right. I also think that many people are reconsidering Romney’s debate win the other night. google Romney gish gallup, and you will see people are catching on to what he was doing during the debate. The next debate should be interesting though:-)
Some of the pundits on MSNBC are still hung up on Obama’s debate performance. The latest is that he got some conflicting debate prep.
I don’t think it’s as much the debate performance as this massive Obama derangement syndrome which urges people to vote for a serial liar who has flip flopped on evey issue he has ever addressed, who thinks 47% of us are worthless moochers and who has very likely manipulated the US tax code to massive benefit for himself and who has “harvested” companies to ruin and sell off for profit…..rather than for a man who has fuought and swam upstream against the strongest, most violent current ever experiences by any president, a man who has accomplished something we have been trying to obtain for decades,,,healthcare for millions of Americans who could not obtain it,, who has signed into law the fair pay for women act, who has finally taken away the stigma and career ruining crime of loving someone of the same sex, and the list goes on. These right wingers will vote for a man they really don’t like, just so they can vote against that scary black man in the WH.
Maggie, I could not have said it better than you have here! It is extremely frustrating that people cannot appreciate our President, easily the best in domestic affairs since LBJ, and the best Democrat in modern times in foreign policy. I so want him to win, because it will seal his legacy, while if he loses, he will, as I have stated elsewhere, be relegated to the Adams-Taft-Carter-Bush I dustbin of history!