Discussion Of Obama Campaign Abandoning Florida: The Wrong Idea!

Recent public opinion polls indicate that Mitt Romney, the Republican Presidential nominee, is surging ahead in Florida, the biggest “swing” state with 29 electoral votes.

So, as a result, there is speculation and discussion of the Barack Obama campaign abandoning the fight in Florida, and taking the campaign to the other “swing” states, although at this point, Vice President Joe Biden is campaigning in Florida, and President Obama is due in Delray Beach this Tuesday.

It would be a serious mistake to abandon Florida, and it would undermine the campaign were that decision made at this point, with 17 days to go.

The odds of Obama improving his poll numbers after the Foreign Policy Debate in Boca Raton on Monday are excellent, so ONLY in the last week of the campaign, if the situation does not improve, should any consideration of abandonment of the fight for the Sunshine State be considered.

5 comments on “Discussion Of Obama Campaign Abandoning Florida: The Wrong Idea!

  1. Engineer Of Knowledge October 20, 2012 9:20 pm

    Hello Professor,
    This piece was written by my friend in the Bordeaux region of France. It is posted on the retired History Professor from the University of Toledo, OH.


    You will remember that I stated a while back that the Republican Party will once again try to steal the election through the manipulation of the electronic voting machines as it only takes about $10 worth of electronic components.


  2. Ronald October 21, 2012 1:27 am

    An investigation of Tagg Romney needs to be ordered by Attorney General Eric Holder, and the crookedness of the Romneys exposed for what it is!

    We cannot allow another stolen election such as 2000!

  3. Engineer Of Knowledge October 21, 2012 10:04 am

    Here is a second source for your readers to review.


    With the Republican Party once again trying to purge the voting rolls in other states this election just as they did in Florida during the 2000 election; we need to be mindful of repeating the tactics of the tampering of the Diebold electronic voting machines as they did in the 2004 stealing that election.

    I have stated that we need to be aware of the Republican Party will once again try to steal the election through the manipulation of the electronic voting machines as they did in Ohio in the 2004 election. Yes according to the vote counting of those e-voting machines of Diebold in the Cleveland area, George W. Bush got over 120,000 plus STRAIGHT votes and not one vote for Kerry to break up that unique voting streak in an area that is predominantly Democratic and African American. Oddly not the typical G. W. Bush or Conservative Republican demographics, but we are to believe that 120,000 voters lined up and ALL voted for G. W. Bush.

    Bottom line is this is what swung the election into Bush’s favor and gave him another 4 years….which destroyed the U.S. Economy to the state we are in today. Yes it is well documented that the 2004 election was stolen by the Republicans.

    Well it appears that this scenario is being attempted yet once again.

    Hart Intercivic is the Tech Company that manufactures the E voting machines used in Ohio and a few other states now.

    Hart Intercivic Technologies was recently acquired as a “strategic investment” by a Company called H.I.G. Capital which is directly controlled by the Romney/Bain Investment team and a partner with Solamere Capital, the investment group the Romney’s are involved in and under investigation at the present time for unethical business practices, even though they are trying desperately to cover it up before the election This trail leads directly to Tagg Romney.

    It only takes about $10 worth of electronic components to remotely hack these voting electronic machines.

    You have stated it well that an investigation of Tagg Romney needs to be ordered immediately by Attorney General Eric Holder, and the crookedness of the Romney’s exposed for what it is!

    I would ask all of your readers to PLEASE pass on this information as we cannot allow another stolen election such as 2004!

  4. Ronald October 21, 2012 5:07 pm

    This revelation recently is very disconcerting, as it makes a mockery of democracy if the Romney investment in voting machines fixes the results in Ohio and elsewhere.

    This should be a prosecutable offense, with the government able to prevent the use of those voting machines connected to Tagg Romney, but the time is short, and there will be plenty of controversy if Attorney General Eric Holder intervenes, but this is the election at stake!

    If Mitt Romney wins honestly, that is one thing, but to have the GOP fix another election, as they did in 2000 and 2004, is enough to cause potential disruption, as what makes it different than a dictatorship, where elections are fixed?

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