An overwhelming number of economists and scientists have made public declarations, as groups and individuals, endorsing Barack Obama for a second term, as the better path to the future in both areas of their concern.
Should we ignore their advice, because after all, as former Senator Rick Santorum said, “smart, educated” people will never support the Republicans, a statement that says a lot about both Santorum and his right wing party, way out of the mainstream?
Should we be resentful because many of these economists and scientists have gone to the “best” universities, and have the highest degrees in their fields, and most Americans do not have these advantages?
Or should we be resentful, instead, that many Americans instead look up to those who cheat in sports, cheat in business, cheat in human relations, and are only concerned about the almighty dollar over human needs and the facts about economics and science, and allow religion and worship of business to overtake their sense of morality and ethics?
The author is not a graduate of a “prestigious” university, and is not an honored figure, as these economists and scientists are, but he is also not resentful of their brilliance and intelligence, and respects their judgment much more than someone promoting religious hypocrisy and dog-eat-dog business tactics as the goal to teach our children, and feels that these elements should not be promoted for the future of American democracy!
I agree 100%. I’m from Denmark one of the most educated countries in the world.