The Republican Party has been arguing for four years that President Barack Obama is incompetent, and that he does not care about the American people.
It has been a false argument from Day One, but the tragedy of Hurricane Sandy has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Obama is an extremely competent, courageous leader, who can relate to the crises in ordinary people’s lives, something that George W. Bush displayed that he had no ability to do the same, as in Hurricane Katrina; and something that Mitt Romney has proved throughout the Presidential campaign that he even lacks the gene to care, and to relate to people who are not wealthy and part of his “one percent” class!
Barack Obama has now proved, except for the hate mongers and racists, that he is as able to relate to us, the common folk, as Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman demonstrated regularly!
Like them, he will be elected in difficult times, and with many polls saying he is not favored, to another term as President, with the American people demanding that the opposition start realizing that we all insist on COOPERATION and UNITY, on the scale that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is, courageously, demonstrating to his credit!
I think the most bizarre showing of lack of empathy from Romney was his analogy of the clean up after Sandy with his personal experience of having to clean up after a football game when he was younger.
I guess it was his own bizarre way of saying if everyone works together, things get done and he has had personal first hand experience, but to interject cleaning “rubbish” after a football game with cleaning up after one of the worst storms to hit a major, metropolitan area shows he really doesn’t have a clue.
I don’t know what crack Republicans have been smoking or the last 4 years because the President has shown on numerous occasions how much he cares and just how compatent he is.
Romney just keeps on coming off as more and more of a slim ball. I believe when the President canceled his appearances in certain cities Romney changed his plans to go and appear in those places. I could be mistaken I recall reading something about an appearance in Miami. If it’s true though it’s really quite pathetic of him and shows even he doesn’t believe he has a chance if he doesn’t use underhanded dishonest and downright pathetic tactics.