The National Rifle Association Vs. The American People!

The National Rifle Association and a percentage of its membership have declared war on American safety and security by their vicious campaign against any new gun regulations in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Massacre! But Barack Obama and Joe Biden have come up with a series of legislative ideas and executive orders that will challenge the NRA’s dominance on this issue!

The American people want action, and Pew Research Polls prove that as shown below:

85 percent want background checks for private and gun show sales.
80 percent want people with mental disorder to be prevented from purchasing guns.
67 percent want a federal data base to track gun sales.
58 percent want a ban on semi automatic weapons.
55 percent want a ban on assault style weapons.
54 percent want a ban on high capacity magazines.
53 percent want a ban on online sale of ammunition.

So the American people overwhelmingly support sensible gun control measures, and the NRA is fighting against this tide, and is using its power with Republicans to prevent any action.

But the Republican Party, if it continues this unwillingness to recognize the threat to all of us by lack of regulation, and instead backs wing nuts like Alex Jones, and continues to support the NRA, and lets Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and others like him to become the image of the party on this matter, they will suffer heavily at the polls in future elections!

17 comments on “The National Rifle Association Vs. The American People!

  1. Juan Domingo Peron January 16, 2013 11:13 pm

    It is very interesting that you do not mention the Gallup Poll which asked the following open ended question. What do you think is the most important problem facing this countr today? Only 4% said gun control!!! The most important being the Economy in General with 21% followed by Federal Budget Deficit 20% ,Dissatisfaction with government 18% and Unemployment 16% , just to name the top 4!

  2. Juan Domingo Peron January 16, 2013 11:15 pm

    Assault style weapons?? I really always admired how the left tends to dominate the narrative by the use of the language. No substance , but efective.

  3. Ronald January 16, 2013 11:32 pm

    You are correct, Juan, about the Gallup poll, but that does not negate the Pew Research Polls, which are seen, generally, as very reliable polls. Are you trying to say that the nation is NOT concerned about the constantly escalating gun violence? I hope that is not the case, because it is clear that would be an inaccurate conclusion.

  4. Ronald January 16, 2013 11:34 pm

    I am not a gun owner, but this is a standard term for a weapon that is not used to hunt rabbits or deer, but only human beings, for the purpose of murder. If these only existed for the military, we would not have seen the mass loss of life in Aurora, Colorado; Newtown, Connecticut; or elsewhere. That should be enough reason to prevent sale of them to anyone except the military!

  5. Juan Domingo Peron January 17, 2013 5:25 am

    I’m pointing out that according to these polls the nation is NOT interested in gun control, which is not the same as violence.

  6. Juan Domingo Peron January 17, 2013 12:30 pm

    A semiautomatic weapon, rifle or handgun, can never be an assault weapon. Assault weapons are automatic weapons and are used by the military. Assault weapons are machines guns. It is an intended misrepresentation to characterize semiautomatic weapons, which is just you normal grandfather’s hunting rifle , as an assault weapon.

  7. Ronald January 17, 2013 5:08 pm

    I am no expert on guns, and have no desire to be one. But a BUSHMASTER is an assault weapon, is it not? And why the need for 30 bullets or more in a magazine? There is no need for this, except in the military.

  8. Juan Domingo Peron January 17, 2013 5:29 pm

    Assault weapons is a slang term, not a technical term, that was used to describe, baseball bats, bows and arrows, military battle tanks, rocket launchers, missiles, and fully-automatic machine guns. The AR 15 is a semi-automatic weapon. It fires just the same as a hunting rifle. It fires one bullet at a time, if the military were to use that to carry out an assault they would be creamed. Just because it looks like a military machine gun weapon does not mean it functions like one. Furthermore , the term “Assault” is an action, and NOT a description of an inanimate object.

  9. Juan Domingo Peron January 17, 2013 5:34 pm

    Concerning the need, well all I can say is that we have a Bill of Rights not a Bill of Needs. If we start going down the needs path, it would be endless. You don’t need a BMW, you could do with a FIAT 600, etc.. But nevertheless, if you suffer a home invasion and you are limited to 7 bullets per magazine while having to confront 2 or more criminals, what are you going to do? Criminals will not respect the magazine limit, they can have more that one weapon, and? What will one do?

  10. Ronald January 17, 2013 5:46 pm

    Why is it that people such as you compare a car to guns? And to act as if home invasions occur all of the time to almost everyone, it just sounds like paranoia. How about the fact that many people harm themselves or family members because of having guns in the home? And how was it that these mass murderers could do so much harm to human beings, worse than shooting a deer or rabbit, with a weapon you claim only shoots one bullet at a time? If they had a handgun, they could not have fired as many bullets as quickly and deadly as they did. I just do not understand the mentality of people who worship guns as if they are God, which in reality, they are, since it can take life so easily without any thought or much effort. It just seems like a very sick, paranoid society that thinks mass death is ok, and nothing should be done about it.

  11. Juan Domingo Peron January 17, 2013 7:10 pm

    No one is saying that mass death is ok. I only mentioned a car but I could have said a house, a pair of tennis shoes, a computer, anything when going down the path of needs. Also home invasions occur everyday and people have the right to defend themselves. Its not that they worship guns, they worship their love ones lives and their lives. Why is that so difficult to understand? Concerning people that harm themselves with guns, I suggest you state stats, but in any event it is truly amazing how the mentality that people are too stupid to take car of themselves, that they don’t know what is good for them is so prevalent in the left, no matter what country one is in.
    Now it’s not that I claim that semiautomatic weapons shoot one bullet at a time each time the trigger is pulled, it is a fact,otherwise they would be automatic. Apparently you seem not to know the difference between an automatic firearm and a semiautomatic one. But I have a sense it will make no difference whatsoever, all you want to do is ban, ban and ban without having a clue and completely immune to basic definitions.

  12. Ronald January 17, 2013 7:21 pm

    I am not out to ban all guns, as that would never happen. I can see the idea of a handgun for personal protection, and also the desire of people to hunt deer and rabbits. But we do not need people to have tons of ammunition and tens or hundreds of weapons, as that is an indication of a sick mind, as I see it, and dangerous to all of us as a result.

  13. Juan Domingo Peron January 17, 2013 7:44 pm

    Interesting that you write “I am not out to ban all guns, as that would never happen”. Do you mean to say that if it could somehow happen you would be for banning all the guns? I suspect that you would reform or abolish the Second Amendment to outlaw guns for private citizens, as so would many liberals , President Obama included. If so, why doesn’t the President, the Democratic Party and all of those who are in full mode attack towards gun owner, just come out and propose abolishing the Second Amendment.
    You say you understand people having handguns, did you know that many handgun (that are semi-automatic) are more powerful that the so-called “assault type weapons” that they want to ban? Also
    Regarding again the “we do not need..” phrase that you use and is constantly repeated, unfortunately for you, we have a Bill of Rights not of Needs. I don’t need the New York Times, MSLSD, and the rest of the slobbering media, nor do I need left wing professors, yet they are protected by the First Amendment.
    Also there are more than 100 million citizens that own firearms, who are law abiding , yet because of a few nut-jobs and evil people, they are called out as having a “sick mind” and are denounced, exposed and listed as if they were criminals or child molesters! Not only is there no logic to that, but it is really disgusting.

  14. Ronald January 17, 2013 8:01 pm

    I already said there are purposes for ownership of guns for those who wish them, but again, no reason to have weapons that the Founding Fathers never envisioned, which can promote mass murder among civilians, rather than just for the military in wartime.

  15. Larry January 18, 2013 11:47 pm

    Just get with it an look up the stats… Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. More people have been killed by “Hammers”, “Baseball Bats”, and “Clubs” in the last 10 years than have been killed by guns. These are statistics from the FBI. Therefore, I guess we should ban all hammers, baseball bats and clubs, right? BTW, ain’t it wonderful in this great country of the United States that has been protected by the “Rifles & Pistols” and yes, their “Lives” of our military for so many years that all sides – both right, left and down the middle – can express our 1st amendment rights. So how about letting us keep our 2nd amendment right also………..

  16. Juan Domingo Peron January 19, 2013 9:27 am

    That is why weapons that are used for military wartime operations, such as automatic weapons, that is machine guns, have been banned for private sale for decades. The semiautomatic weapons, like handguns and rifles (that look like machine guns but do not operate like one) that are sold to the public and want to be banned by the government, are not used by the military for their assault and wartime operations!

  17. Maggie January 19, 2013 11:38 pm

    The most recent published report contradicts your silly figurers which several right wing pro gun extremists love to spew as if fact.
    I check a few of your right wing sites so I know what I’m talking about.
    I checked out one site by the late Breitbart…and found the same silly talking points coming from the NRA are listed. The article intentionally takes one specific weapon, rifles, and dishonestly compares it to dozens of weapons; the FBI stats for blunt object DO NOT differentiate between hammers, clubs, tire irons, nun chucks, bricks, crowbars, baseball bats, beer bottles, billy clubs, poles, cinderblocks, irons, and dozens of other weapons that are used to bludgeon people to death. It also conveniently leaves out every other type of gun murder. In academia Larry, that article is not considered empirical data.
    Like it or not, gun enthusiasts …the tide is turn…..and for your information. I am one, I know my way around several weapons and have undergone training so I’m not exactly a neophyte.
    Here are the some facts summarized…you can go to the FBI site and verify them…but it does require the ability to read something other than right wing nonsense.
    In the US in 2011 8583 people were MURDERED by one type of weapon…GUNS…(an additional 18,000 + committed suicide with firearms). Les than half that amount, 4,081 were killed by every other weapon you can think of including knives, explosions, drugs, drowning, poison, fire, cars, hands,….the list goes on…
    The truth is, the probability of being murdered by a gun in America is double that of being killed by any other weapon or method available. Larry why don’t YOU get with it and research the actual stats. Instead of trolling the right wing blogosphere and right wing blow hard media for your talking points, why not check the ACTUAL FBI site?
    The NRA and it’s fanatic supporters has successfully managed over the past forty years to enlarge the scope of the 2nd Amendment to embrace “rights” that are NOT conceived and never intended by the framers of the US Constitution, recent constructionist interpretations by judicial activists on the US Supreme Court not withstanding.
    I totally reject the notion that more guns, bigger guns, louder guns and/or more heavily loaded guns make citizens safer in their person or the nation safer. . I utterly deny NRA principles and postures that presuppose gun violence as a right, effective or moral remedy for some delusional fear of “tyranny” by the United States government. This NRA-cultivated alarm to any supposed, existing, or forth-coming “tyranny” is, at least, I firmly believe seditious (as well as fatuous). Honestly, what “Red Dawn”, after all, do they – or any rational person – fantasize? Frankly I believe they really would like to see a “Red Dawn”, just so they can take out their arsenals and KILL PEOPLE!
    The”well regulated militia” that the Constitution spoke about in the 18th century is the National Guard in the 20th & 21st. If the NRA wants to “promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty”, it might encourage enlistment in that body and desist from stonewalling reasonable control of privately owned weapons capable of mass murder by individuals on the basis of their personal discernment and choice, whether sane or insane.
    The NRA has been telling it’s members for 4 years President Obama is going to take your guns away. Since the shooting in Connecticut, they have intensified their efforts to replace common sense with terror. This group has said in a letter signed by David Keene and in other media that President Obama’s gun safety regulations program is “the the fight of the century!”., characterizing the President’s proposals as “about banning your gun….Period!”
    They go on to say in their fear letter that “Barack Obama, Joe Biden and their gun allies in Congress only want to BLAME you. Vilify you. Bully you, and strip you of your 2nd Amendment freedoms,”. and too many gun owners are paranoid enough they are now preparing for the fight of the century where they bring out their arsenal and kill every government official AND a whole lot of Liberals and anyone else who does not fall into lock step with the right wing extremists.
    Finally, I am convinced that the NRA’s touting of spurious 2nd Amendment “rights” shows them to be toadies of the gun manufacturing industry rather than responsible advocates for a peaceable society.
    Despite the fact that Obama supports the same school security plan the NRA wanted, his announcement was panned far and wide by the pro-gun extremists and right wing media.
    But while the NRA’s over the top rhetoric and tactics have polluted the whole gun debate…..the tide is turning. SandyHill was the last straw. More and more we are seeing and hearing a tsunami of national sentiment….that means…THE MAJORITY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE in favor of sensible gun safety reforms.
    Finally guys…what is it with you conservatives who troll and jump on blogs, find topics you disagree with then start throwing insults and call people names? Not once in this whole discussion has Dr. Feinman been anything but respectful, even while standing his ground and explaining his position.. He is allowed to give his opinion you know…it is his blog, right? He doesn’t descourage debate and he doesn’t insult people who do not agree with him.. In reading his personal history he is a long established, experienced university professor whose expertise is political science and history. I believe he has been teach 40 to 45 years. Since when does experience and years of study count for nothing? Didn’t your mother teach you to respect people?
    Seriously DUDES. Try to get a grip…grow up.
    By the way, I am a seasoned academic as well…do I deserve your insults too?

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